It’s Scheduling Season! Preble High School School Year
Scheduling Sheet/On-Line Course Description Book We will be scheduling in the computer labs on Wednesday, January 13 th. Parent signature required (back of sheet). Teacher initials (required for Math, advanced and AP courses you are taking). You have an shortened course book. The detailed course descriptions are available on-line at or on the Preble High School website.
WHY choose a Career Focus Area? Helps you focus your education toward a career goal. Allows better assistance from parents/guardians and other adults. Provides a “road map” for the future. Makes your high school courses more relevant and meaningful. For more direction on what to choose, visit Career Cruising online.
Pathways Employment Military Apprenticeships Technical Colleges 2-Year/Junior Colleges 4-Year University
College Admission Requirements Subject Eng. Lang Arts Mathematics Science (lab) Social Studies College Prep Electives Foreign/World Language, fine arts, computer science and other academic areas Credits 4 Alg Requirements vary. You MUST check with the college of your choice. These requirements are for the minimum that a college will accept, most colleges want you to have more than the minimum.
What are colleges looking for? Rigorous courses Involvement in activities inside and outside of school Leadership Community Service Quality more than quantity
G raduation R equirements English LA4 credits Social Studies3 credits Mathematics3 credits Biology1 credit Physical Science*1 credit Personal & Financial Mgmt..5 credit Health.5 credit Electives7.5 c redits TOTALS 22.0 credits * Chemistry (1 cr.) and Physics (1 cr.) may be substituted for Physical Science = 3 credits of science required for graduation.
Alternative Class Times Complete Enrollment Form Zero 6:30 Biology 9 th 3:05 Computer Essentials Physical Science Night classes from 7:00 to 8:20 PM M/T/Th Digital Media Welding
What do the course numbers mean? A number ending in “1” means the class will be 1 st semester; a “2” means second semester. A number ending in 3 means it is a full- year course. A number ending in “4” means that it is a semester- long course that will be offered EITHER first or second semester. A number beginning with UTL means that it is a team-taught, regular ed course.
How many credits do I sign up for? 6 credits with a study hall each semester 6.5 credits with 1 study hall either semester 7 credits with no study halls * GBPS states that “a student must carry at least 6 credits a year”.
WHY INCLUDE STUDY HALL(S) IN SCHEDULE? Still plenty of credits to graduate Can get help from teachers/resource rooms if needed More time for after- school activities Less stress!
New Classes Agri-Science Forestry (.5 cr.) Biotechnology (.5 cr.) Current Issues in Wildlife/Natural Resources (.5 cr.) Equine/Horse Science for Work and Recreation (.5 cr.) Large Animals: Their Care and Welfare (.5 cr.) Aquaculture: Raising Fish for Recreation and Profit (.5 cr.) Business Computer Essentials (.5 cr.) Advertising (replaces M&A) (.5 cr.) All Boys Language 9 All Girls Physical Science Music Bilingual Choir (1 c.r) Rockin’, Strummin’, Pluckin’, and Drummin’ (.5 r.c) Science 0 hour Biology (1 cr.) Tech Ed 3 D Animation and Game Design (.5 cr.) (New to Preble) Welding (evening section) Printing Processes (.5 cr.) World Language Chinese (1 cr.) New to Preble
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS (4 Credits) SOCIAL STUDIES (3 Credits) All students are required to take English Language Arts 9, or Advanced Language 9 All students are required to take Social Studies 9: Geography, Economics & Civics
MATH (3 Credits) Speak to current math teacher and get initials by their recommendation Taking Algebra I in Grade 8 counts for 1 elective credit, not math. Gr. 8 Geometry does count for HS math credit. If you are 4-year college bound, it is recommended to take math through Algebra II. Most colleges want to see 4 years of high school math, even though only 3 are required for graduation
SCIENCE – 2 credits Only need Physical Science and Biology for graduation, BUT colleges want to see at least 3 years of lab science, so Chemistry or Conceptual Chemistry are highly recommended. If you took Biology in Gr. 9 and Chemistry in Gr. 10, you MUST take Physics before graduation (or take Physical Science) Teacher recommendation is required to take Biology in 9 th grade.
World Language UW-Madison requires two CONSECUTIVE years but usually sees four. UW-Eau Claire requires 2 years. Other colleges require you take 2 years on campus if you don’t enter with it. Taking two years keeps options open for after high school!
Physical Education 1.5 credits over 3 years You MUST take PE 9 before Personal Fitness and Personal Fitness before Strength Training. If you take a year of PE, the 2 nd class will count for elective credit (unless you are making up a failed semester) You can take the same class over twice (except PE 9). Be sure to give me a 1 st and 2 nd choice!
Concurrent Enrollment Program Courses (CEP) Can take college-level courses and earn graded college/university credits while at high school. Grades go on an official college transcript. Deadline to submit paperwork is March 1 st. Can change mind about taking it for college credit 10 days into the class. Need to complete: Application with personal statement of interest Two recommendation forms from an English and other teacher Tuition is charged for St. Norbert’s and UWGB classes. NWTC CEP courses do not require tuition.
Which Courses are part of the CEP? BUS Digital Media (NWTC) BUS Microsoft Excel & Access Expert (NWTC) BUS Microsoft Word Expert (NWTC) ENG Fundamentals of Public Address (UW-Green Bay) ENG Literature and Composition (St. Norbert College) ENG Language and Composition (St. Norbert College) MTH Calculus 1 (St. Norbert College) MTH Calculus 2 (St. Norbert College) OTH Leadership Studies in Health Service (St. Norbert College) OTH Leadership Studies in International Business (St. Norbert College) OTH Business & Its Environment (UW-Green Bay) OTH Leadership Studies in Education (St. Norbert College) OTH Introduction to Educational Practice (NWTC) OTH Critical & Emerging Issues in Education (UW-Green Bay) OTH Leadership Studies in Integrated Manufacturing (St. Norbert College) OTH Medical Terminology (NWTC) OTH Engineering Graphics (UW-Green Bay) SCI General Anatomy & Physiology (NWTC) SCI Energy and Society (NWTC) SOC Advanced Placement Macro Economics (St. Norbert College)
Alternative Class Choices/Prerequisites If there are not enough students enrolled, classes may not be offered. Be sure to pick alternative classes, numbering them “1” for your first choice, “2” for your 2 nd, etc. Check for prerequisites. You need to have passed the prerequisite course with a “D” or better before you can sign up for the advanced course.
Course Fees Some courses require additional fees for materials and supplies. Consult the course description book for more information.
Summer Physical Education If you plan to take PE in the summer, still sign up for a PE class but indicate that you plan to take summer gym. When I see you’ve completed it, I will put a study hall in place of the class in your schedule. If you don’t want study halls, I will put your PE in place of your lunch so that you get the classes you want.
Summer School Course information and registration materials will arrive in late March or early April. Listen for announcements Some courses fill QUICKLY! Register early.
ADD/DROP POLICY Courses can only be dropped for: 1.Extenuating circumstances 2.Compelling educational need 3.Teacher recommendation NO LUNCH CHANGES WITHOUT M.D. NOTE!! CHOOSE CLASSES WISELY – this is a commitment
Students with IEPs IEP teachers will select your core classes and sign your sheet You will need to decide which electives you are interested in
Let’s fill out the course selection sheet: Use a PENCIL Fill out career section MUST have a parent/guardian signature Pick alternatives and list on back of sheet
Scheduling Sheet/On-Line Course Description Book We will be scheduling in the computer labs on Wednesday, January 13 th. Parent signature required (back of sheet). Teacher initials (required for Math, advanced and AP courses you are taking). You have an shortened course book. The detailed course descriptions are available on-line at or on the Preble High School website.