doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan Slide 1 China WPAN mmWave Liaison w/ Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan Slide 2 China mm-Wave Standard Group Progress In December 2010, CWPAN mm-Wave held a task group meeting at Sanya. Over 40 representatives from Chinese and International companies, research institutes and universities, attended the standard meeting. CWPAN opens doors to all of international companies, research institutes and universities. In view of IEEE 802 March meeting being held in Singapore, CWPAN also decided to hold its 20 th CWPAN standard meeting in Singapore from March 18-19, pe=0&moduleId=422&sid=33 pe=0&moduleId=422&sid=33 Contact: Lan Zhuo, , Xiaoming Peng, ,
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan Slide 3 Plan for the 20 th CWPAN Standard Meeting Mar 2011 SunMonTueWedThuFriSat IEEE th CWPAN Institute for Infocomm Research and CWPAN standard committee will jointly organize the 20 th CWPAN standard meeting in Singapore Will organize an joint meeting between IEEE and CWPAN in the morning session on March 19, 2011 Meeting Venue: One-North Fusionopolis
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan Slide 4 Actions taken from CWPAN CWPAN has already communicated with China Radio Monitor Center and requested for spectrum in 40 – 50 GHz and more bands in 60GHz. –CWPAN liaison reported the emergent requirement of mm-wave network on GHz to MIIT. –CWPAN will be the platform to directly communicate the requests from Industry companies, Research Institute and University to China Radio Monitor Center –With more supports from Industry companies, higher chance to get acceptance from China Radio Monitor Center For CWPAN, one common MAC layer will be used for system working on both 60 GHz and 40-50GHz. –Study one or multiple PHY solutions for mm-Wave solutions.
doc.: IEEE /0173r0 Submission Jan Slide 5 THANK YOU!!!