Click here for Game Rules & InstructionsClick here for Game Rules & Instructions: Copyright © 2009, Steve Beutler, All rights reserved. Permission granted to use for educational purposes. Cluster: Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications
Category: Advanced Degree Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications Career Jeopardy Game $200 $100 $300 $400 $500 $200 $100 $300 $400 $500 Category: High School Diploma Category: On-The-Job Training 1-2 Years of College Bachelor’s Degree Advanced Degree Copyright © 2009, Steve Beutler, All rights reserved. Permission granted to use for educational purposes. Click here for Rules & Instructions
High School Diploma for $100 Clue: Collects admission tickets and passes from patrons at entertainment events, such as sporting events, motion pictures, or theater performances. Answer
High School Diploma for $100 What is an... Usher/Ticket Taker?
High School Diploma for $200 Clue: A person who operates and tends manually controlled or automatic printing machines. Answer
High School Diploma for $200 What is a... Printing Machine Operator?
High School Diploma for $300 Clue: A person who operates and tends photographic processing machines. Answer
High School Diploma for $300 What is an... Photographic Processing Machine Operator?
High School Diploma for $400 Clue: A person who writes verses or provides illustrations for greeting cards. Answer
High School Diploma for $400 What is an... Greeting Card Designer?
High School Diploma for $500 Clue: A person who creates useful and artistic objects out of clay. Answer
High School Diploma for $500 What is a... Potter?
On-The-Job Training for $100 Clue: A person who plays a part in a production on stage, on the movie screen, on television or on the radio. Answer
On-The-Job Training for $100 What is an... Actor/Actress? Please Note: This career is considered to be on-the-job training because an individual must continually work at this to find success.
On-The-Job Training for $200 Clue: A person who plays musical instruments, sings, writes songs, leads choirs, bands and orchestras and spends considerable time practicing and performing. Answer
On-The-Job Training for $200 What is a... Musician / Singer? Please Note: You can become a Musician with talent and a high school diploma and through practice, practice, practice. Many successful Musicians have undergone formal training.
On-The-Job Training for $300 Clue: A person who entertains audiences by moving about on a stage. Answer
On-The-Job Training for $300 What is a... Dancer? Please Note: You can become a Dancer with talent and a high school diploma and through practice, practice, practice. Many successful Dancers have undergone formal training.
On-The-Job Training for $400 Clue: A person who Installs, repairs, and maintains telephone and television cable and other equipment for transmitting messages or TV programming. Answer
On-The-Job Training for $400 What is a... Telecommunications Line Installer/Repairer?
On-The-Job Training for $500 Clue: A person who designs and creates the long and short surfboards used to tackle ocean waves. Answer
On-The-Job Training for $500 What is a... Surfboard Designer or Shaper?
1-2 Years of College for $100 Clue: A person who creates original artwork using any of a wide variety of mediums and techniques, such as painting and sculpture. Answer
1-2 Years of College for $100 What is an... Artist? Please Note: While most artists are born with a certain amount of talent, it takes practice and training to succeed. Many experts recommend university or college programs in fine arts.
1-2 Years of College for $200 Clue: A person who films movies, or videos and television broadcasts to record news and live events. Answer
1-2 Years of College for $200 What is a... Movie-TV Camera Operator?
1-2 Years of College for $300 Clue: A person who Takes pictures in all kinds of settings, from under the sea to high in the air. Answer
1-2 Years of College for $300 What is a... Photographer? Please Note: There are many different types of Photographers: Commercial Photographers, Portrait & Studio Photographers, Photojournalist, Underwater and Aerial Photographers.
1-2 Years of College for $400 Clue: A person who maintains, repairs, rebuilds and tunes pianos. They fix or replace broken keys, strings, action parts and soundboards. Answer
1-2 Years of College for $400 What is a... Piano Repair Technician?
1-2 Years of College for $500 Clue: A person who sets up, operates, and maintains special audio equipment used in stage, television, or motion picture productions. Answer
1-2 Years of College for $500 What is a... Sound Engineering Technician?
Bachelor’s Degree for $100 Clue: A person who makes pictures come alive. Answer
Bachelor’s Degree for $100 What is an... Cartoon Animator?
Bachelor’s Degree for $200 Clue: A person who designs attractive visual images for magazines, advertising agencies, wholesale- retail trade, manufacturing industries and in printing and publishing. Answer
Bachelor’s Degree for $200 What is a... Graphic Designer?
Bachelor’s Degree for $300 Clue: A person who examines raw footage of film and decides what to cut. Answer
Bachelor’s Degree for $300 What is a... Film or Video Editor?
Bachelor’s Degree for $400 Clue: A person who collects and analyzes facts about newsworthy events and reports and write stories for newspapers, news magazines, radio, or television. Answer
Bachelor’s Degree for $400 What is a... Reporter?
Bachelor’s Degree for $500 Daily Double Daily Double - Clue: A person who is the author or editor of a dictionary and determines the fate of old and new words. Answer
Bachelor’s Degree for $500 What is an... Lexicographer?
Advanced Degree for $100 Clue: A person who provides library services by selecting, acquiring, processing, and organizing library materials for patron use. Answer
Advanced Degree for $100 What is a... Librarian?
Advanced Degree for $200 Clue: A person who organizes and cares for the artifacts in museum collections. They also mount exhibits. Answer
Advanced Degree for $200 What is a... Museum Curator?
Advanced Degree for $300 Clue: A person who works with architects and engineers to ensure that a building has good acoustics. Answer
Advanced Degree for $300 What is an... Acoustical Engineer?
Advanced Degree for $400 Daily Double Daily Double - Clue: A person who prepares specimens, such as fossils, skeletal parts, lace, and textiles, for museum collections and exhibits. May restore documents or install, arrange, and exhibit materials. Answer
Advanced Degree for $400 What is a... Museum Technician and Conservator?
Advanced Degree for $500 Clue: A person who creates illustrations for anatomy text books. Answer
Advanced Degree for $500 What is a... Medical Illustrator?