2010 Conference Update Date- April 9, 2010 Location-Sheraton, Petaluma - contract signed Theme- “Greening Our Water Infrastructure”
NBWA Web-Site
KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Jared Huffman, California State Assembly Member, Chair of the Committee on Water, Parks and Wildlife Frances Spivy-Weber, Vice Chair, State Water Resources Control Board
Watersheds and Green Infrastructure Alexis Strauss, Water Division Director, EPA How does EPA drive infrastructure and watershed improvement? Brock Dolman, OAEC How Do You Think Like a Watershed? Josiah Cain, Consultant, Design Ecology Embedded Ecology in the Built Environment Rosey Jencks, SFPUC Urban Watershed Management San Francisco's Stormwater Program Kit Crump, NOAA What is the role of habitat enhancement and in stream flow in salmonid recovery?
Recycling Advancements Chuck Weir, NBWRA Advantages to a Regional Approach to Recycling Mike Ban, Petaluma Ellis Creek Water Recycling Facility Heather Shepherd, Sustainable H2O Solutions How can I get my (greywater) project permitted without losing my hair? Christina Bertea, Greywater Action Grassroots Greywater: low- tech, low- cost, benign systems
Water Supply Innovations Paul Helliker, MMWD Is Desalination in our Future? Pam Jeane, SCWA Habitat Enhancement and Water Delivery Jay Jasperse, SCWA Can Collaborative Groundwater Management Work? Chris Brown, CUWCC Achieving 20% per capita reductions: What we will need to do in a new world of water conservation?
Costs $80 $70 before January 31, 2010 Watershed Council-$40 Wine Tasting- 3:15-4:15 pm Benziger Family Winery
Sponsors ($24 k) $2500$1500 DWRCounty of Marin EPACMSA LGVSDESA MMWD Kearns and West SCWANMWD Winzler & Kelly SCC-$1000 SFEP- $500
Conference Committee Next meeting- January :00 am –Registration follow up –Identify sponsor needs –Speaker BIOs –Program design-> printers - Panel conference calls
BAIRWMP Update Overview of BAY Area Coordinating Committee efforts in 2009 Regional Approval Process Funding Opportunity(??) Prop 50 funds
Coordinating Committee 2009 CC Meetings Jan.26, Feb.23, Mar. 23, Apr. 27, June 1, July 27, Sep. 21, Dec. 7, DWR RAP meeting- May 28 in Sacramento Subcomittees PnP (RAP)- Jan.5, Feb.9, Mar.2, Apr. 6, Project Screening Committee Meetings Apr.6, May 18, June 9, July 6, Dec. 16
Major Topics Regional Acceptance Process (RAP) Local Project Selection Process Sub Regional Funding Project Screening/ “regional projects” Regional versus sub-regional projects Grant Administration Funding- contractor and Prop 50
DWR decisions in September 2009 RAP Summary 46 Regions submitted Approved – 34 Regions Conditional Approval – 11 Not Approved – 1 Region Final-all approved-10 conditionally –3 address entire funding area
DWR Funding ?? Announcement –Nov. 30, 09 Prop 50 funds- $7.4 million total statewide -Only for prior underfunded prop 50 recipients ( 11 regions) Max award - $ 3.4 Million-10% match Only prior applicants may receive funds -BACWA for Bay Area Next PSSC meeting- January 12 Next CC meeting-January 25