Testing Overview Parent University
*Readi Step * PSAT *SAT *ACT *AP Exams
Offered to all 8 th grade students in class. There are 3 timed multiple choice sections: critical reading, mathematics and writing skills The test provides insight into academic progress and feedback on skills where students excel and areas that may need improvement Taking the test allows the family free access to My Road – an online tool to prepare for high school, college and career Visit
All 10 th graders and registered 11 th graders The test is offered mid October It is a preliminary SAT practice exam for college admissions The test gives students an opportunity to qualify for scholarships from the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a junior (11 th grade) There are 5 timed sections: critical reading, math and writing You must take the actual SAT or ACT for college
The SAT is a standardized test used for college admissions. Test questions cover critical reading, mathematics and writing 2400 is the highest score $51.00 / waiver for free or reduced lunch
The ACT is another standardized test used for college admissions. Test questions cover English, reading, mathematics and science reasoning There is an optional writing section 36 is the highest score $52.50/ waiver for free or reduced lunch
SATACT Penalty for guessingNo penalty for guessing Math 50% of scoreMath 25% of score No science Science 25% of score ELA 50% of scoreELA 25% of score No reading sectionReading 25% of score 2400 high score36 high score Average 990Average 21 GPAFAA SCHOOL CODE
College board offers more than 30 AP courses Courses are taught by highly qualified teachers on a college level Teachers prep the students for the exam throughout the year Scores may be accepted for college credit hours – varies by each university Exams take place May 5 th -16 th More information to come in the spring
AP Courses at GPFAA Test is paid by the district Dual Credit— a future goal of the district to offer more course on all high school campuses Take TSI Assessment/formerly Accuplacer
GPISD offers college-level AP courses taught in a wide variety of subject areas Opportunities for students to earn college credit with an exam score of 3 or higher 511 qualifying AP scores in 2013, saving parents thousands of dollars in tuition costs Over 1900 exams were administered to GPISD students during the first two weeks of May 2013 GPISD Advanced Placement Program
Offered to GT identified 7 th grade ELA students Students will be taking AP course as a sophomore and taking the AP Exam that year. Students will be asked to perform the following tasks: AP English Literature and Composition Course Description The exam is approximately three hours and 15 minutes long and has two parts — multiple choice and free response. The multiple choice section is worth 45% and the free response section is worth 55% of the final exam grade. Section I: Multiple Choice — 55 questions; 1 hour The multiple choice section tests your ability to read closely and analyze the rhetoric of prose passages. Total scores on the multiple-choice section are based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not deducted for incorrect answers and no points are awarded for unanswered questions. Section II: Free Response — 3 essays; 2 hours plus a mandatory 15 minute reading period The free response prompts test your skill in composition and require close reading, thoughtful rhetorical analysis, and purposeful argumentation. This section also includes a synthesis prompt that tests your ability to effectively compose an argument of your own by combining and citing several supplied sources, including at least one visual source
GPISD Pre- Advanced Placement Program
MATH GT identified 7 th grade students may take the English I Placement Exam offered in May
Opportunities for Distinguished Level of Achievement and Performance Acknowledgements develop a student’s 21 st century skills Participating in
The state’s student testing program for 6 th, 7 th, and 8 th grades. Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. Not all subjects are tested every year.
Students MUST PASS each EOC assessment for Graduation Students will retake the EOC until passed: 3 Opportunities per year Middle school students enrolled in a high school course will take their grade level STAAR AND the EOC.
8TH GRADERS MUST PASS READING & MATH TO ADVANCE TO THE 9 TH GRADE. No retakes unless enrolled in a High School EOC course
3 weeks assessment = quiz 6 weeks assessment = quiz 9 weeks assessment = major grade