Focus Questions The Crucible: Act I
Focus Questions The Crucible takes place in 1692 in Salem, Massachusetts The protagonist is John Proctor Characters to watch: Abigail Williams – the niece of Rev. Parris John Proctor – Had an affair with Abigail when she was a maid in the house
Focus Questions What is really wrong with Ruth Putnam, and why is she acting the way she is? Why is Rev. Parris worried that people will believe it’s witchcraft?
What rumors are spreading around town about Betty Parris? Focus Questions What rumors are spreading around town about Betty Parris? What concerns does Rev. Parris have about Abigail ?
In what town did Rev. Hale find witchcraft? Focus Questions What is the name of the woman is told not to beg, and what is her eventual role in the witch trials? In what town did Rev. Hale find witchcraft?
What “reddish work” happened to Abigail’s parents? Focus Questions What “reddish work” happened to Abigail’s parents? What’s Rebecca Nurse’s response as to why Betty is acting the way she does?
Who did Abigail cast a blood spell against? Focus Questions Who did Abigail cast a blood spell against? What is John Proctor’s attitude toward Abigail?
Also, what did she mean when she said, “I know you, John Proctor”? Focus Questions What did Abigail mean when she said John Proctor put “knowledge” in her heart? Also, what did she mean when she said, “I know you, John Proctor”?
What metaphor is used in reference to Mr. Hale’s books? Focus Questions What metaphor is used in reference to Mr. Hale’s books? What has Mr. Hale heard about Rebecca Nurse, and what does that tell you about her stature in Salem?
How does Giles Corey accidentally implicate his wife? Focus Questions How does Giles Corey accidentally implicate his wife? What allegorical aspects in reference to the Red Scare have all ready occurred?
Why does Abigail blame Tituba? Focus Questions Why does Abigail blame Tituba? What reasons make Tituba an easy target for false allegations?
Focus Questions Who does Goody Putnam first accuse of being a witch, and what is her motivation? Who does Tituba accuse of witchcraft and how did she arrive at those names?
Focus Questions The Crucible: Act II
Describe the relationship between Elizabeth and John Proctor. Focus Questions Describe the relationship between Elizabeth and John Proctor. What has John Proctor done to get his wife to forgive him for his actions?
What are the names of the three judges who arrive in Salem? Focus Questions What are the names of the three judges who arrive in Salem? Who is the first person called in before the court and who was the first to testify?
For what reasons are people of Salem being accused of witchcraft? Focus Questions For what reasons are people of Salem being accused of witchcraft? Who laughs and walks out the court, and why do they do so?
What allegorical role does the devil play in the plot? Focus Questions What are the allegorical reasons for the girls fainting to invisible evidence? What allegorical role does the devil play in the plot?
What is Mary Warren’s function with Salem’s court? Focus Questions What is Mary Warren’s function with Salem’s court? At this point in the plot, how is Abigail perceived by the people of Salem?
Focus Questions What are Samuel Sewell’s concerns about the nature of the allegations of witchcraft against those in Salem?
Focus Questions Why does Rev. Hale question the Proctor’s about their Christian beliefs? Why doesn’t John Proctor respect Rev. Parris and what did that have to do with Proctor’s last son? What’s ironic about Proctor forgetting one of the commandments?
Focus Questions What lead to Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse being arrested for witchcraft? Why is Mr. Cheever searching for a poppet in the Proctor’s house? Why does Proctor call Mr. Hale a broken minister?
Why is Mary Warren afraid to contradict Abigail? Focus Questions Why is Mary Warren afraid to contradict Abigail? Also, for John Proctor, what risk is there for him if Mary contradicts Abigail?
Focus Questions The Crucible: Act III
Focus Questions What does Giles Corey have that will prove the girls are lying? How does Proctor find out his wife is pregnant, and what significance does it hold for her? When Proctor presents a list of 91 people who’ll testify the girls are lying, what happens to them? What connection with the U.S. today can you make with Danforth’s statement that “You’re either with us or against us”?
Focus Questions What is Mr. Corey’s claim against Mr. Putnam? Why doesn’t Mr. Corey testify as to who could validate his statement regarding Mr. Putnam, and how is it allegorical?
Focus Questions Why is Mr. Hale so upset about Judge Danforth’s reluctance to believe the girls are lying? Why is Judge Danforth shocked that the girls were dancing in the woods? To what does Mary Warren testify? After Abigail suggests Danforth is not beyond temptation of the devil, what does she do?
Focus Questions Why does Proctor admit to having an affair with Abigail? What does Judge Danforth mean when he says to Abigail “… may God spread his mercy on you”? What is ironic about Elizabeth’s testimony regarding Proctor’s affair?
Focus Questions What is ironic about Mary saying she loves God? What is metaphorical about Proctor saying, “You’re pulling down Heaven and raising up a whore”? What part of dramatic structure is represented when John Proctor says, “God is dead!”? What was symbolic about John Proctor being represented in the sea?
Focus Questions The Crucible: Act IV
Focus Questions For what crime is Giles Corey pressed to death, and what allegorical significance does it have? How have the people of Salem changed their attitude toward Abigail, and why did that occur?
What does Abigail steal from Rev. Parris’s, and what is her intent? Focus Questions What does Abigail steal from Rev. Parris’s, and what is her intent? Whom does Judge Danforth allegorically represent?
Focus Questions What is Rev. Parris worried about regarding the hangings of John Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, and Martha Corey? Why does Rev. Hale state that all the accusations have been lies and encourages Proctor to “give them the lie” the court wants?
Focus Questions Why does Proctor ask Elizabeth for forgiveness, and what is her response? To what does Elizabeth admit to in regard to her relationship with her husband?
Why does Rebecca Nurse say to John, “God send his mercy on you, John”? Focus Questions Why does Rebecca Nurse say to John, “God send his mercy on you, John”? What is meant by Rev. Parris saying, “It is a weighty name”?
Why does Elizabeth not try to stop her husband for being hanged? Focus Questions What is more important to Proctor than his life, and what lesson does this teach his sons and others? Why does Elizabeth not try to stop her husband for being hanged?
How is the staging of the hangings symbolic? Focus Questions How have the people of Salem changed in the way they view the hangings? How is the staging of the hangings symbolic?
Focus Questions What is Arthur Miller telling the audience by having the hangings take place before “Amen” could be said?