The Doors Sing Reading Rainbow by Jimmy Fallon
Intro main characterCont.Describe setting Intro second character Problem/conflict Conflict resolutionEnding, what was life like after the problem was solved.
Tell about the main character.Describe the setting. Tell about the problem.Tell how the problem gets solved and write an ending. Second Grade Version The stories we read and the stories we write have the same parts.
Character Once in a kingdom long ago there lived a monster named Maria. Maria lived in a castle far away on a hill. She lived alone and was very mean. She had purple hair and large bulging eyes. Her fingernails were unusually green and pointy and her breath smelled of garlic. She once won a trophy for meanness.
Setting Just down the road from Maria was a haunted school. The school had been haunted for years. It became haunted on Halloween night many years ago when Maria put a curse on it. Kids had to go to school there, but it was very scary. There were ghosts wandering the halls, spooky sounds and sticky spider webs. Everybody hated the haunted school, but nobody knew what to do about it.
Problem They always tried to make the best of things and this Halloween was no different. They began planning the annual Halloween party. At least on Halloween they could enjoy the haunted school. Maria hated the annual Halloween party. She didn’t place that spell on the school just so a bunch of miserable kids could have fun there. So she decided to put an end to it once and for all.
Problem Continued On Halloween night everything looked great. The gymnasium was decorated with jack-o-lanterns, and spooky music was playing. Maria watched through the window. All the students having fun made her mad. She walked into the party and everything stopped. Everyone stared at Maria. Maria slowly raised her hands and began to cast an evil spell.
Solution At that moment a small boy named Walter stepped up and said, “Hi lady, would you like to join our party?” Maria looked at the small boy and thought for a moment. As she thought a small smile came over her face and she said, “I’d love to join your party.” The next day Maria lifted the curse from the school and they all lived happily ever after.
Main Character Hi, my name is Chuck and I am a guard dog. The neighbor kids call me the monster of Mabel Street. I’m basically about the size of a small horse. My hobbies are skydiving, barking and chasing small children.
Setting The home I guard is a beautiful little place in the suburbs. It is a two story house with a huge backyard. My masters name is Hank. Hank is married to a beautiful woman named Lucille. They keep their yard very neat and can’t stand it when the neighbor kids come anywhere near the grass!
Problem One night in late October a group of particularly ugly kids came to our house. Not only were they loud and obnoxious but they walked right across the lawn. Needless to say I was not pleased. I started barking and would have chased them for blocks had I not been chained to my dog house. They ran away and dropped food all over the grass!
Solution This happened over and over until Hank finally came out of the house. I thought for sure he would reward me for being such a good guard dog. Instead he told me to calm down. He said, “It’s Halloween and it’s OK for kids to come into our yard.” I thought to myself, “Isn’t this typical, old Chuck’s always the last to know.” I’m hoping the next time Hank does something special like this he lets me know ahead of time.
Stories written by students. Max’s Story by Dania The Ugly Scary Vampire by Anyssa The Goey, Goey Monster by Hunter
Now it’s time for you to write your own MONSTER STORY!
It should have these parts: A cool title Page 1 - Sentences that tell about the main monster. Page 2 - Sentences that describe the place where the story happens. Page 3 - Sentences that tell about the big problem. Page 4 - Sentences that tell how the problem gets solved and an ending.
Step 1: Tell about the main character Describe what the monster looks like. Tell about the monster’s family. What kinds of things does this monster like to do? What is your monster’s personality like? Monster Name
Step 2: Describe the Setting House School Castle Swamp Mansion What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it smell like? What does it sound like? Name of setting
Step 3: The Problem Someone got mad at the monster. The monster had an argument with a friend or family member. Something got broken. The monster made a big mess. Someone got sick. Fiction author’s often write about things that happen to them in their real lives. Be sure to tell how the problem made each character feel. Someone got mad at you. You had an argument with a friend or family member. Something got broken. You made a big mess. Someone got sick.
Step 4: The Solution To finish your story you must describe how the problem gets solved. Be sure and give lots of details and tell how each character felt after the problem is solved. Step 5: The Ending
Review A cool title. A character description. A setting description. A problem. A solution. An ending Your finished story should have these parts.