Technical Plenary Session chair: Leslie Daigle IETF63, Paris August 4, 2005
Agenda 17h00 Welcome and introduction 17h05 Technical presentation (Steve Bellovin) –Application Security: Threats and Architecture 17h50 IAB update (Leslie Daigle) 18h00 IRTF report (Aaron Falk, with Mark Handley) 18h30 IAB open mic 18h45 Town Hall Meeting - technical topics 19h30 Close
Tech presentation
IAB Chair Report Documents –See all the published ones at documents.html –See all the current IAB Internet-Drafts at “A” is for “architecture”
Recent IAB document highlights Of particular note –What's in a Name: False Assumptions about DNS Names(draft-iab-dns-assumptions) – about to send to RFC Editor –Architectural Implications of Link Layer Indications (draft-iab-link-indications) Published/in publication queue –IAB Processes for management of liaison relationships (BCP102, RFC4052) –Writing Protocol Models (RFC4101)
Other IAB activities The IAB retreated! –June 2005 Particular areas of IAB focus for this year –IPv6 -- helping detect & promote solution of pieces missing for successful uptake. –Internet Architecture -- sponsoring continued discussion, and further documentation of Internet engineering principles to help make "common knowledge" just that. –Bad Net Traffic -- providing further pointers to work being done to harden protocols and infrastructure to provide tools to reduce the possibility and impact of such activity. “A” is for “activity”
IRTF Report
Meet the IAB Any questions specifically directed to the IAB as a body Then we’ll move on to general technical discussion
Town Hall -- Tech Topics Competing goals –want to be visible & listening –want to avoid ping-pong exchanges and have more of a discussion An adjustment on the experiment we ran last night –IAB will stay up here –We have a separate moderator