Language Development Preschool Age Children
Receptive Language The ability to understand language.
Productive Language Able to actually speak and use words meaningfully.
Definitions: Speech = Communication through words Linguistics = Study of how people learn to speak
7 Stages for Learning to Speak:
1. Undifferentiated Crying: 0-1 month old Cries to get everything it needs: –food, sleep, diaper changed, etc.
2. Differentiated Crying: 2 months old Cries are different for each thing child wants
3. Cooing Begins at 3 months Elongated vowels sounds –A, E, I, O, U
4. Babbling 6 months Putting together consonants and vowels to make simple words –Ma, Ma
5. First Word: 1 year old
6. Two word sentences: 2 years old Noun and verb sentences –Me eat –Go car
7. Multi-word sentences: 3 years old Putting together sentences –may or may not make sense –short sentences I draw picture of the sun today.
Other Facts about Language A child’s first word is said around their first birthday. A 2 yr. old child has a vocabulary of about fifty words. A child can understand many more words than they can actually speak.
What Parents Can Do to Help: Development of Language in Children
Helpful Hints: A.Expose children to a rich language base-talk B.Praise C.Positive Feedback D.Play-back or restating (say it over and over – repeating) E.Elaborate
More Helpful Hints: F.Interactive-reading, ask open ended questions (who, why, when, where, how?) G.Language tour guide Grocery Store Department Store Zoo Toy Store
Helpful Hints (con’t): H.Take children’s comments seriously listen to them I.Avoid baby talk and babbling J.Correct their speech