a method of analyzing psychic phenomena and treating emotional disorders that involves treatment sessions during which the patient is encouraged to talk freely about personal experiences and especially about early childhood and dreams
Psychoanalytic birth The theory of psychoanalysis was founded in the 1890’s.
Use and focus of psychoanalysis Psychoanalysis was a radical new approach to the analysis and treatment of abnormal adult behavior that started in the 20th century. It focuses on finding the purpose behind abnormal behavioral patterns and to understand the behavior as informative and meaningful.
Pros & Cons of Psychoanalysis Pros “Talking cure”- it can be used as therapy to redirect a person’s life Provides a significant approach to finding motives and meanings disguised by other meanings. Clarifies writing itself and the level of character action within the text. It drives to symbolic and cultural meanings Cons The help given does not always provide attention to political and social contexts in ones life Psychoanalysis does not focus on reality, more on people’s feelings. People are not brought to attention to issues such as racism, alienation, and exile.
Who were its founders? The theory of psychoanalysis has three main founders and they are: Sigmund Freud- “The Freudian Theory” his theory was based on the analysis and treatment of abnormal adult behavior, to provide and understanding and meaning. Jacques Lacan- “Lacanian Theory” Jacan’s was a reinterpretation of Freud’s which was based on his thoughts of the 4 stages of a child’s life where there is no clear distinction between itself and the external world. The 4 stages are the imaginary stage, the mirror stage, the phallus: entry into the symbolic order, and the imaginary, symbolic, and the real. Carl Jung- “ The Jungian analysis” He called his theory analytical psychology. The main focus was to bring conscious and unconscious elements of psyche into balance.
Key Questions in a text How can we as therapists use our own experiences of difference in order to get alongside our clients, without collapsing difference and sameness into each other? Can we hold the tension between them? What is our responsibility as psychotherapists and supervisors for engaging in their issues in the context of a society that structures our identities on the basis of color coded racial categories?
The Signification of Cars/Machinery in Dreams: By Jean Chiriac, President of AROPA The car is another shared presence in our dreams. But cars are just another machinery; the motif can therefore extend to all mechanisms or machines in our dreams. A very frequent dream is the one involving the lift (elevator). Someone once told me about a recurring dream: "I was on an elevator and had pressed the button. To my great surprise, the elevator went up and wouldn't stop. I was seized with panic!" Just as the excerpt also indicates, the dream topic is the dreamer's inability to control the elevator. That always results in panic. In both the dream about the elevator and the real life obsession related to being brought to a halt between two floors, the central idea emerges: perception of the fact that everything that is machinelike and should work without fault is an awful disaster in functioning. The dream is also an indicator of living standard. In materialistic societies such as ours, living standard is assessed by the amount of goods gathered. Cars, and vantage ones mostly, grant their owner a privileged place in social hierarchy.
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