Number Sense and Place Value By Jessica Rodriguez
What is Number Sense? An understanding of numbers and their relationships (Van de Walle, 2007) A flexibility in thinking about numbers, including their size representations, and effects with operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) (Van de Walle, 2007).
What is Number Sense? Understanding Numbers Five is more than three and less than ten. When I add, the number increases. When I subtract, the number decreases. Flexible Thinking The number 6 is two groups of three. It is also three groups of two. If 10+5= 15, then 9+5= 14 because 9 is one less than 10.
Developing Number Sense… Children need many, varied opportunities to work with numbers. Use hands-on counters and representations of numbers Use real-world opportunities to teach number sense
Question: Brainstorm some real-world math activities for children developing number sense… Example: counting oranges at the grocery store.
More, Less, and the Same Amount
Question: How can we develop an understanding of quantity (more, less, and the same)?
Virtual Field Trip… Let’s take a trip to “Count Us In!” Open a new Internet window and go to t.htm t.htm Explore some of the games offered at this website. We will meet back in 5 minutes…
Virtual Field Trip Question… Share a game or activity you found at this website…
Question: Why are visual representations (beans, counters, blocks, etc.) so important in developing an understanding of numbers?
Flexible Thinking… A number has many representations… Let’s take the number 9. It can be a set of 9… It can also be… A set of five and four A set of 2 and One away from ten And on…
Part-Part-Whole Activities Use counters to find as many ways as you can make the number 10. Examples: ● ● ● ● ●
Missing Part Activities Use counters to find the missing part. You have 3 counters, you get some more. You have a total of 10. How many did you get? Examples: ● ● ● + ____ = 10 ● ● ● ● ●
Virtual Field Trip… Let’s take a trip to “Ten Frame” Open a new Internet window and go to yDetail.aspx?ID=75 yDetail.aspx?ID=75 Play the game for a few minutes. We will meet back in 3 minutes…
Virtual Field Trip Question… How does a ten frame help develop flexible thinking with the quantity 10?
What is Place Value? The basis of how our numbers are written and spoken. Each number has a value that is based on its place (hundreds place, tens place, ones, place, etc.) Our system is a base-ten system; each place is a multiple of ten.
Place Value Is Number Groupings… TensOnes
Examples of Base Ten Models for Numbers 2519
Base Ten Manipulatives Groupable base ten models: ones that the children can put together into groups of ten and take apart, like beans or connecting cubes. Pregrouped base ten models: ones that are already grouped for the students and the students cannot take apart.
Virtual Field Trip… Let’s take a trip to “Base Ten Blocks” Open a new Internet window and go to _g_1_t_1.html?from=category_g_1_t_1.html Explore the activity for a few minutes. In order to make the number, you have to click on the blue blocks at the top of the chart. We will meet back in 4 minutes…
Virtual Field Trip Question… How does this type of activity support understanding of place value?