You will create a Powerpoint or Prezi about your location in Canada with other students from your class. Your group will pool (combine) their research and will decide who will create slides about what topics. REMEMBER: You must divide the slides up as evenly as possible and you should be the sole creator of your slides. I will want to know who created what slide. You will also be the one to talk and present about your slides. Follow the rubric and you will do excellently! CANADA LOCATION POWERPOINT/PREZI
30 pts totalPoorSatisfactoryExcellent Slides Required 8 pts Less than 8 slides 8-10 slides with missing info, does not include an ‘in depth’ slide 10 or more slides with abundant information, one slide shows more info about one subject (in detail) Thoroughness/Ac curacy 8 pts Did not research thoroughly, no details Missing important topics about your place but overall shows you researched Thorough research is shown, noteworthy places and topics included, not missing the major information Media and special additions 8 pts Slides without pictures are present, no special addition Included pictures on slides, did not include a special addition Included multiple pictures (or a large picture) on each slide, included a ‘special addition’ (animation, sound, music, link to video or interactive site) Presentation 6 pts Not following the BEEP guide lines. Turn away from class at times, disorganized at times Body language is confident, eye contact with class, enthusiasm for topic, project voice
Location Absolute and relative Place Physical features: landforms, bodies of water, plants, animals Human features: buildings, man made Region Physical region (page 53 in txtbook) Province or territory (in book too) Movement People (where immigrants from, diversity, demographics) Ideas (culture, religious beliefs, traditions) Goods (industries, imports and exports) Human Environment Interaction How people have adapted to the climate/environment How people have modified the land