Welcome to the Consumer Centered Family Consultation “Beyond the 1 st CCFC” Webinar PART 1 Hosted by: The Family Institute for Education, Practice & Research For any technical difficulties, please contact: Sherri Ladd at
Agenda Hello and Welcome Prior to the 1 st CCFC Meeting Pre-Planning Session During the 1 st CCFC Meeting Setting the Stage for Next CCFC Meetings Wrap-up
Prior to the 1 st CCFC Meeting Prior to the CCFC taking place there should be at least one (if not more) Pre-Planning Session(s) with the consumer and practitioner to make a plan and list the goals/issues/topics to discuss during the CCFC. Sometimes the consumer will only want specific topics discussed. This request should always be honored and may involve only one consultation.
Prior to the 1 st CCFC Meeting Other times… The consumer agrees to allow the family/support system to choose the topics to be discussed in the CCFC right from the onset. OR The consumer may believe that they only want a specific topic discussed and after they have attended the 1 st CCFC they are open to discussing more topics.
During the 1 st CCFC Meeting What’s Happening in the Beginning, Middle and End?
During the 1 st CCFC Meeting Connect- This is when you all get to know each other a little more…outside of the illness. Define & Prioritize Wants & Needs- This is the stage when the practitioners facilitates the conversation around what the consumer wants discussed in the CCFC and what others want to discuss if the consumer has given their consent. Recommendations and Plan Next Steps- This stage is when you focus on the areas agreed upon. As stated earlier if it is a specific topic that the consumer wants discussed, it may only take one CCFC. However, if it is decided there is much more to be discussed then planning takes on a whole new form.
During the 1 st CCFC Meeting During the “Recommendations and Plan Next Steps” the practitioner should consider the following: Be listening to the consumer and supports about what they want to receive in the CCFC process Encourage the consumer and supports to talk about any changes in their wants, needs & goals Briefly summarize the group’s wants (as clarified during middle of the CCFC meeting), and let all know that it’s time to figure out *together* the best way to address people’s wants Encourage the consumer and supports to receive as much as they possibly can in the CCFC process (e.g., teaching, problem solving, communication skills, relapse prevention early warning system, etc.) Make a series of recommendations for people to consider
Beyond the 1 st CCFC Meeting To what extent are additional meetings planned to address each consumer’s recovery goals?
Typically, there will be more wants/needs than can be adequately covered within a 1 st CCFC meeting. Especially since CCFC is not intended as a triage service. Review the discussion and make recommendations to partners For those items that people wish to further pursue, prioritize what to do 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd, etc Set up a strategy (with everyone's input) on how to accomplish the tasks at hand Collaboratively determine each person’s role in a next step – and check in to ensure that each role is realistic Move beyond the 1 st CCFC – set dates, time frames
EXAMPLES OF WHAT TO ASK: “Here’s a plan for our next meetings that makes sense to me? Does it make sense to all of you?” “Is there anything I missed?” “How should we prioritize things? Here’s one possibility. What do you think?” “Is there a different order you’d prefer for how we should spend our next few CCFC meetings?” “I’m not sure what to do about that issue. Is it okay if I ask a few colleagues and we can talk at the next meeting?”
Thank you for viewing this webinar Please move on to Part 2 of this webinar series at your convenience Please consider joining the follow-up event planned for the purposes of discussing these issues further with the Family Institute team