Play Every Day Media Overview and Core Messages Northwest Strategies Tim Woolston, Amanda Combs & Raquel Ranger
NWS Demo Reel
OPCP and NWS Northwest Strategies is the media contractor for Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program Comprehensive statewide media strategy Produce quality media and messaging to achieve program goals Provide technical assistance to OPCP grantees
Full Service Communications Agency Messaging Media planning Copywriting Radio TV Print ads Public relations Brochures Posters Videos Websites
Program Goals and Media Strategy Communicate the truth about the importance of regular physical activity, healthy food and drink choices, and other behaviors Explain the harms caused by being inactive and drinking sugary beverages Encourage Alaskans, specifically Alaska parents, to change their behaviors to help themselves and their children lead healthier lives and maintain healthy weights Provide information to help parents sign up their children for the Healthy Futures Challenge
Overarching Goal Reduce childhood overweight and obesity in Alaska by 5 percentage points in the next five years
Play Every Day Campaign Target Audience Alaska parents of 5 to 12 year olds – Adults 25+ Alaska Natives Low socioeconomic status Messaging Participate in the Healthy Futures Challenge Get 60 minutes of physical activity, every day
Campaign Elements TV Radio Print Online Social media Website
Healthy Futures Challenge TV
Social Media Like Play Every Day at Subscribe to Play Every Day at
Communications Update Distributed by the 15 th of each month Topics cover – Announcements – Statewide campaign update – Training opportunities – Events – Partner/grantee announcements – National campaigns
TA Process and Requests Developing TA process with OPCP Survey for a needs assessment Link in March Communications Update
NWS Contact Information Amanda Combs Raquel Ranger
Core Messages
Why Core Messages Assist grantees, staff, partners, contractors and stakeholders with staying on message and being consistent with messaging in all communication Essential to successfully making your case for childhood obesity prevention Important to convey in every interaction with your various audiences
Under Development Currently under development with assistance of OPCP staff and evaluation team – First draft, will continuously evolve Provide messages in key areas: – The Burden – Obesity Causes and Protective Factors – Schools and Obesity Prevention – Alaska Solutions
Identify Topic to Address What information are you trying to convey? – School policy – Community policy – Physical activity – Nutrition
Identify Audience Partners and stakeholders within your community –School board members, health organizations, champions for your message Media –Local radio station, local newspaper, school or grocery store bulletin board
Keys to Successful Message Delivery Add information and stories relevant to your community/region Include data when available Always keep your audience in mind Explore the human-interest angle to personalize the story
Overarching Message Never miss the opportunity to include the big picture message.
Future Topic Areas Community Nutrition Screen Time Breastfeeding Junk Food Early Childhood Education Healthcare Setting Interventions Industry Marketing Government’s Role FAQs
Hands-on Activity/Group Brainstorm What questions do you frequently get asked? What topic areas would you like to see included in Core Messages? Where do you need support with messaging?