Bahasa Inggris 1 Disusun oleh: Pikir Wisnu Wijayanto, M.Hum Fihrin Zuhrufillah, M.Pd Yuningsih, S.S Prodi D3 Manajemen Informatika Fakultas Ilmu Terapan Universitas Telkom
Basic Competency : The students are able to show their ability of understanding the reading skills in English text Topic : Reading Strategies Sub topic : Inferring Missing Words, Topics, and Main Idea from Text Meeting: 13 th
Competencies and Indicators BasicIntermediateAdvance able to understand the main ideas of each paragraph and logical and make the affixation of five words from the text correctly able to show the inferring the main ideas of each paragraph and the passage but not logical and make affixation more than five words from the text correctly but their word class categorization is not correct able to make the inferring the main ideas of each paragraph and the passage and logical and make affixation more than five words from the text and categorize their word class correctly
Authors vs Readers Authors Imply, Readers InferAuthors make implications that readers have to inferWhat do I mean by these statements? Good Readers are Detectives who are always looking out for clues to help them better understand stories and pictures.
Authors vs Readers Authors don’t always tell every detail or give every bit of information in nonfiction or in fiction stories Readers make inferences to supply information that authors leave out. When you make an inference, you add what you already know to what an author has told you.
Examples What the author said + what I know = my inference The weather had been scorchin g for weeks. Summer is the hottest time of the year. It is summer.
Examples What the author said + what I know = my inference Al took out a pitcher of cold lemonad e. You keep things cold in a refrigerat or. Al took the lemonad e out of the refrigerat or.
Examples What the author said + what I know = my inference He got a glass out of the cupboard. People get out glasses when they want to drink somethin g. Al wanted to drink a glass of lemonad e.
Inference Take what you know and make a guess!Draw personal meaning from text (words) or pictures.You use clues to come to your own conclusion.
Make an Inference! What does this image tell me?
Question… What did I already know that helped me make that inference? Did I use picture or written clues?
Help Me Make an Inference!
More Question… Did you use words, graphs, or picture clues to help you make a guess about what that cartoon meant?
Try Again! Can he draw more than tigers?Look up words you don’t know!
How Do Good Readers Make Inferences? Word/text clues Picture clues Define unknown words Look for emotion (feelings)Use what they already knowLook for explanations for eventsASK themselves questions!
Miss White has recess duty. Jacob finds a frog, picks it up, and runs over to show it to Miss White. Miss White screams, jumps, and runs as fast as she can into the school. 1.What can you infer from this passage? 2.What are the “clues” in this passage? Miss White has recess duty. Jacob finds a frog, picks it up, and runs over to show it to Miss White. Miss White screams, jumps, and runs as fast as she can into the school. 1.What can you infer from this passage? 2.What are the “clues” in this passage? Make Another Inference
References Louis, St Rubena and Pereira, Silvia (2010). Focus on reading. Rubena St. Louis: Venezuela Mikulecky, Beatrice S (1996). More Reading Power. Longman William, E (1984). Reading in the language classroom. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Gunning, Thomas (2010). A step by step program for developing higher level skills in struggling readers. International Reading Association Harmer, Jeremy (2004). Just. Marshall Cavendish Ltd
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