50 Simple Things based on the book “50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth by John Javna, Sophie Javna & Jesse Javna, 2009 SELF DIRECTED STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS Hernandez 2014
Follow the Directions Below: STEP 1: Go to the websites below & explore for 15 minutes. (Just follow links that you are curious by). 50 Simple Things for Kids Website Link 50 Ways to Help Website Link STEP 2: Write down any challenges or ideas you would be willing to do or investigate further.
STEP 3: Review the lists at the end of this PPT & select a topic OR choose one from your list to investigate further. Sign-up for your topic on the class master copy. You will be giving a 3-5 slide Power Point Presentation to inform the class on the topic.
POWERPOINT INSTRUCTIONS: 3-6 slides Max Must include a form of data Must include images Must include a hyperlink for further info Must include resources at the end Must include a powerful quote Cannot be full of lots of words…
STEP 4: Power Points are to be ed to me Friday. I will be combining select PPT slides into brochure formats to hand out on presentation days. We will be presenting at the end of the year.
TOPICS 1.Electric Cars Pluginnow.org 2.Organic Food sustainableagriculture.net 3.Solar Power ases.org 4.Sustainable Forests rainforest-alliance.org 5.Coral Reefs seacology.org 6.Mercury Pollution earthjustice.org 7.The League of Conservation Voters 8.The Endangered Species Act stopextinction.org 9.Tree Programs Treepeople.org 10.The Cool Cities Campaign Sierraclub.org 11.Issues with Paved Roads?Waterkeeper.org 12.Saving Energysixdegreechallenge.org & ase.org/consumers 13.Shop Localfoodroutes.org 14.Kent Initiatives 15.Farmers Markets & Coopscoopamerica.org 16.Promote & Use Parkstpl.org & conservationcampaign.org 17.Save the Whalesearthisland.org/immp 18.Conserve Gas/Carpoolbeyondoil.nrdc.org 19.Fair Tradefairtradecertified.org 20.Recycle Metalsearthworksaction.org
TOPICS Continued 25. Water ConservationAmericanrivers.org 26. Leave the wilderness wildwilderness.org 27. Sewage Spillsfoodandwaterwatch.org & Takebackthetap.org 28. Birds audubon.org & birdcount.org 29. Pest Managementchej.org & greenflagschools.org & panna.org 30. Compostingecocycle.org 31. Alternative Energyucsusa.org 32. Plasticsilsr.org & sustainableplastics.org 33. Polar Bearsdefenders.org 34. Alternative transports/trains elpc.org 35. Wetlandswetlands.org 36. Public Healthewg.org & cosmeticdatabase.com & foodnews.org 37. Purchasing Powerresponsiblepurchasing.org 38. Mountainsstopmountainremoval.org & ilovemountains.org 39. Save Sea Turtlesconserveturtles.org 40. Save Estuariesestuaries.org 41. Frackingdangersoffracking.com 42. Ocean Acidification 43. Sustainable Fishingseafoodwatch.org 44. Green Collar jobsgreenforall.org