WHAT IS URBANIZATION? Defined as a period of time where you have a mass migration of people from Rural life & towns, to Urban life & cities. A direct product of the Industrial Revolution. Changed the visual landscape of our country from one of flat, rural lands to tall, iron skyscrapers and crowded urban environments. Today we are going to begin a week long activity known as the Urbanization Game.
URBANIZATION GAME- HOW TO PLAY You will be given a series of directions, both verbally & featured on this PowerPoint. Within your groups, you are going draw out what you are asked to and create your own city. Over the course of the next few days, you will begin to see your city’s physical appearance change. Ultimately, I want you to be able to ANALYZE and draw your own conclusions as to the overarching effect of the Industrial Revolution.
URBANIZATION GAME- DOS & DON’TS. DO work collaboratively with your group to ultimately create the MOST thought out and well planned city. DO listen carefully to directions & do not mark on your paper until told to do so! DO draw everything first in PENCIL- here’s a hint, you will end up erasing things and moving them around and white out will make your map look gross… AVOID THE PEN!!! DON’T try to copy a neighboring groups map, though imitation in the greatest form of flattery- I want to see what YOU know, not the person(s) in the group next to yours. DON’T talk while instructions & details are being given. Talking then distracts others & their abilities to listen fully and you know how much Ms. Frauey DISLIKES repeating herself. DO make your city as unique as you are! Don’t be afraid to REVOLUTIONIZE the game ;)
URBANIZATION GAME- ROUND 1 Once upon a time, life was all about FARMING. There were no electronics or modern day distractors in peoples lives. It was all about being self- sufficent and quality time with family. It was not easy to just go shopping, so trips to the grocery store or general store were well planned adventures that were never spontaneous in nature! DRAW OUT THE FOLLOWING & KEEP IT SIMPLE: 1.A river across the page from RIGHT to LEFT that is at least ½ in wide. 2.2 WOODEN bridges 3.4 Main Roads, preferably one coming from each direction & meeting is some centralized location 4.15 Houses & each house MUST touch one of your 4 roads.
URBANIZATION GAME- ROUND 2 Choose one house that will be your groups, lightly shade that house in. Draw each of the following & similar to the houses, they MUST touch one of the 4 roads: 1 Church 1 Cemetery 2 Stores 1 Pub
URBANIZATION GAME – ROUND 3 The year is 1730 and the country is England. Here you see a typical village. For the last 300 years, people in this village have earned their living through farming. They supplemented their wages with domestic (local) labor, primarily the spinning & weaving of cloth by hand. Most farmers own small pieces of land. While people work long, hard hours in the fields and at home, poverty is widespread. Most people are religious. The crime rate is extremely low. The few stores that operate in the village carry very little variety of luxury or household goods. Most of these people born here, look forward to dying here too. Since transportation is limited, not many leave. Within the next 100 years, radical changes will come to this village. Task: Give your village a suitable name (and write it on the CENTER of the BACKSIDE of the paper – along with your group members names)
URBANIZATION ROUND 4 Now, it is There has been a population explosion!! Thanks in large part to better hygiene & sanitation. Draw the following: 10 more houses 1 more church 1 more pub 1 more road 1 more wooden bridge 1 more store
END OF DAY 1 How has your village changed in the just the few small steps you have taken today? Based on your performance today- how do you think your group did? Do you think you all have a clear direction you want to take your city? Look around, do any two groups maps look similar? (they shouldn’t)
URBANIZATION GAME- ROUND 5 The people of your village need more food & goods- STAT! They also are dying for new sources of employment. Coincidentally, a number of mechanized inventions for farms have been created as well as new and more productive farming practices. Because credit is available with lower interest rates (or what a bank will charge you to borrow the money), money is now available for investment. In order to better utilize this farm machinery, pressure is placed on the English parliament to pass the enclosure laws. Consequently, many small pieces of land are bought by wealthy landowners. Task: Map out an area, the size of your hand and label it “For Agricultural Use only!” Relocate any houses if they get in the way.
URBANIZATION GAME- ROUND 6 It is 1789, Richard Arkwright patents a spinning machine called the water frame. It is named this because it is powered by…WATER!! This technological development revolutionizes the spinning of cotton. The water frame can spin and weave cloth 100 times faster than anyone could do by hand. Richard Arkwright has brought his water frame to your village (lucky you). Task: Draw 1 factory, with smoke Draw 1 Capitalist’s estate with a $$$ to show it is Arkrwright’s
URBANIZATION GAME – ROUND 7 Workers are needed to work in this factory. Since many people cannot compete with the machine, and still more have lost their land because of the enclosure movement, many people come to work for Arkwright. Task: Draw the following – 15 houses 5 Tenements (apartments) 1 Church 1 Pub 1 Store 1 Bridge Any additional roads your group may think you need.