Tech Smackdwn Business Studies Kari Peters, Sir Robert L. Borden BTI, TDSB Michael A. Goldberg, Martingrove CI, TDSB (*Down-Low on Digital Literacy!)
1.Bloom's Taxonomy - DL Style 2.Tech Smackdown! 3.Lesson Brainstorm (using the above) 4.DL Resources Agenda
21 st century learning Joe’s textbook A day made of glass DL Videos
Digital Citizenship Prezi citizenship/ citizenship/ DL Videos
1. Bloom's Taxonomy - DL Style Lower order to higher order thinking skills Follows the thinking process: o Can not understand a concept if you do not first remember it o Can not apply knowledge and concepts if you don't understand them Can you list the 6 thinking skills and objectives?!
1. Bloom's Taxonomy - DL Style
Bloom's Taxonomy - Revised
1. Bloom's Taxonomy - DL Style
How will I use this to promote student learning? Can I use this tool in my classroom? What should I use? o Less can be more when first starting out Be willing to be a student – let your students be teachers To consider
What is a tech smackdown? In the next 57 minutes we will share (very quickly - fast and furious) - 19 tools that will contribute to student engagement in your Business classroom That's 3 minutes a tool... let's go! 2. Tech Smackdown!
Featured Tools: Screencast-O-Matic TodaysMeet Padlet Remind101 Voicethread Prezi Desire 2 Learn Skype Tenbyten Exploreatree Featured Tools: Only2Clicks Google Forms Sumopaint Twitter Wikispaces Dropbox Planboard Mindomo Tagxedo 2. Tech Smackdown!
Only2Clicks (
Classroom Uses Quickly create a set of links on certain topics/subject areas Help with research Track research Share resources visually See Only2Clicks (
Ideas for the classroom: Create video tutorials o How to create charts in excel o How to solve accounting problems Have students create a video demonstrating their understanding of a task Students can record over videos (youtube. Ted talks) - pause the video they are watching and add their own comments Great for Flipping your Class! Screencast-O-Matic
Dropbox (
Classroom Uses Cloud storage (keep everything in one place) Group collaboration Access to resources - computer, tablet & phone Store everything in one place Dropbox
Ideas for the classroom: Back channel discussions to a lesson/presentation/video Collaborating - learning to work together without being able to speak Online class discussion After hours forum for students to continue the conversation TodaysMeet
Google Forms
Classroom Uses First day surveys Formative assessments Tests! Administrative uses (eg. Course selection!) Advantages: Paperless - spreadsheet Data easily sorted The possibilities are endless! Google Forms
Ideas for the classroom: Posting comments about an article/video Sharing resources/research o Tax resources o Free typing games o Others? (Maybe not - 3 minutes!) Place for students to collect their own resources for a project Padlet
Mindomo (
Classroom Uses Brainstorming Creating mind-maps/webs with your class Unit/lesson planning Brainstorming project work Unit reviews
Remind 101
Ideas for the classroom: Easy and appropriate for teachers to text students reminders o Tests o Homework o Upcoming events o Projects/assignments due o Field trips o FREE o Attach files Remind 101
Planboard (
Classroom Uses Create digital lesson plans and schedules Customize to your schedule and classes Print.PDF files for supply teachers Attach related files to lessons Planboard (
Ideas for the classroom: Upload an image/doc/video and have students discuss Students can upload an image/doc/video and add their thoughts Radio interviews (great for marketing) Record a radio advertisement Comment on television advertisements Voicethread
Ideas for the classroom: Great for a quick drawing Very user-friendly Logo creation (Image created with Sumopoint – Very quickly!) Sumopaint
Ideas for the classroom: Alternative to PPT! Multiple editors Easy to embed videos (students REALLY like this feature) Can start by importing existing PPT presentations
Wikispaces (
Wikispaces Ideas for the classroom: BTT: Web Page Development – identify guidelines for developing effective websites (e.g., guidelines on design, technical requirements, appropriate language, and inclusive images); – design and create web pages for specific purposes and audiences. Create web sites for a variety of topics Discussion forums available Connect with parents Don’t need to know HTML to use
Desire 2 Learn
Ideas for the classroom: Ministry's online platform Blended learning with content already populated! Ability to add documents, assignments Class chats, discussion forums, use of Dropbox Desire 2 Learn
Ideas for the classroom: Business Courses available: Desire 2 Learn
Twitter (
Twitter Ideas for the classroom: Real time Research Connect with colleagues around the world Share exemplars Reflection Synthesis of ideas Connect with community Self-directed PD via PLNs Check out #busedu Social media literacy!
Tenbyten Classroom uses Current events – good for International Business
Tagxedo (
Tagxedo Ideas for the classroom: Like Wordle on steroids! Create themes Use terms, web addresses Summarize terminology Create custom themes (criticism – sometimes doesn’t work) (“ word cloud)
Exloreatree Classroom uses - templates to help analyze and look at different perspectives
3. Lesson Brainstorm Having seen the above, how can you use some of these tools in your classroom?
4. DL Resources If you want business studies course resources, via shared Dropbox folder, send an to