Before class: Share your dream job with your partners.
Make a remark on their dream jobs and their speeches. Daily Speech The topic of this week : My dream job Groups involved this week : Group4 PK Group 5
Are your dream jobs in demand in the job market? Cultural corner Growing Jobs
Read Cultural Corner on P19 and answer the following questions. ( 6 minutes) 1.How many jobs does the passage refer to? What are they? 2.How to guess the meaning of “bioinformatician” 3.Is there any job you prefer among these 10 jobs? Why or why not?
Read Cultural Corner on P19 and answer the following questions. 1.How many jobs does the passage refer to? What are they? 10 jobs (computer systems analysts, data analysts, database managers, health care professionals, bioinformaticians, home care nurses, speech pathologists, social workers, travel agents, guides)
2.How to guess the meaning of “bioinformatician” 1. word-formation( 构词法 ) : bio+informatician 2. context( 上下文 ) 定语从句 3.Is there any job you prefer among these 10 jobs? Why or why not?
Read the passage aloud, appreciate and share the good expressions with your deskmate.
computer systems analysts, data analysts, database managers, health care professionals, bioinformaticians, home care nurses, speech pathologists, social workers, travel agents, guides
Read through the passage again, and try to tell how you can find a job with high pay.
Check the answers to the homework.
Task A: Answer the questions on your own. 1.Why are the questions in the first paragraph important ones? Because once you answer them, you are in position to do something about changing your own value. 2. Why do most of the unskilled jobs pay a minimum wage? Because it doesn’t take a long time to train somebody to do the job. 3. What kind of skill should you learn to make more money? We should learn a skill that puts us in a place where there is a large demand and a small supply.
Try to judge which group’s work you prefer. If not, does your group have a better answer?
Right now, as a teenager, you have not acquired the knowledge that allows you to earn more than the minimum wage. As a general rule, the longer it takes you to learn a skill, the more valuable the skill is. 作为一个普遍的规律,学一项技能用的时间越长,这项 技能就越有价值。 现在,作为一个青少年,你还没有获得足够的知 识,可以让你赚得比最低工资更多的钱。
What advantages do you have now to help you to get your dream job? What do you lack? How can you develop or train the skills to get a great job from now on? Think about the questions and write your ideas in a short paragraph of about words.
Homework: 1. Enrich the paragraph in the class to a passage of about 120 words to analyze your strengths and weaknesses and make a plan to achieve your dream. 2. Take a note of the important words and expressions in the two passages after class.
Hope you find a great job.