Chanel Bethea Shaka Lattin Yohanes Mkamwa Cindy Pleitez Lisselott Valdez Maria Karas
What Is Organization Commitment? Organization Commitment is defined as the desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of the organization.
SUPPORTIVE DATA Surveys Interviews: LinkedIn Controlled & Uncontrolled groups Event Analysis
Regardless of the amount of stress, emotions and flexibility of the employee, compensation is the key driver to organizational commitment. THEORY
HYPOTHESIS Stress Emotions Flexibility
STRESS 1.Having work to complete “stirs me into action” more than other people. 2.Working in a stressful environment has no effect on me. 3. I work well in stressful situations. I will commit to a long-term position even if it stressful. 4.Stress prevents me from being productive. 5.I prefer a low wage-stress less than high wage stressful job. 6.I put much more effort into my work than other people do. 7.Compared with others employees, I approach work much less seriously.
I work harder than others Stress stirs me into action Affects my performance Rather less stress than more pay Increase my productivity Has no effect on me STRESS
EMOTIONS 1.I would be very happy spending the rest of my career in this organization. 2.I really feel as if this organization’s problems are my own. 3.I do not feel “emotionally attached” to this organization. 4. This organization has a great deal of personal meaning to me. 5.My emotional state at my organization affects my performance. 6.Having a negative environment at work makes me disrupts my commitment level to my organization.
I would spend my life here Feels like my own organization Organization has personal meaning I am not emotional attached Emotional state affects my performance Negative energy at work affects my commitment
FLEXIBILITY 1. The job gives me considerable opportunity for independence and freedom in how I do the work. 2. This job is quite simple and repetitive. 3. I’m giving challenging assignments in which I can learn from. 4. I prefer to work in situations that require independent thinking. 5. I’m more likely to commit to that gives me the chance to use my personal initiative and judgment to carry out the work. 6. Development of my ability is important enough to remain committed to an organization.
Flexibility Development would keep me committed Prefer to work with independent thinking More likely to commit if given autonomy Job is simple and repetitive Job gives an opportunity for independent thinking I am given challenging assignment
LinkedIN Survey
LinkedIn Survey
Larry RobinLarry Robin Money comes and goes, personal relationship have a totally different meaning. Voted for: Relationship with Management Timothy HeidemannTimothy Heidemann I love what I do, so I would hope to stay where I am for as long as possible. Voted for: Ability to make a difference SRK Bharat DevSRK Bharat Dev I prefer to work with start up companies as it gives fast Growth along with its success. Voted for: Job Security sherry mastromarinosherry mastromarino if you can make a difference in a company and maybe save them money, or other ideas, then you will make it to the top, if they can see that you are a valuable asset to them. Voted for: Ability to make a difference LinkedIn Survey
Dish Network Rating: 2.2% CEO approval32% Employees were unhappy with management, citing “mandatory overtime” and “no flexibility” with schedule. MSN Money awarded Dish a spot in its 2012 Customer Service Hall of Shame Dillard’s Rating:2.4 CEO approval:22% Dillard’s employees pointed to the company’s unattractive sales incentives. High turnover was the result of employees being paid on the number of sales made per hour instead of based on a commission. RadioShack Rating:2.4 CEO approval: 32% Reviewers were consistently unhappy about the retailer’s sales commission structure and the long hours. Consumer Reports gave RadioShack a “naughty” spot on its 2011 WORST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR
Bain & Company- Rating: 4.7% CEO approval: 96% 2011 ranking: #1 PROS: "Working with phenomenal people. You are constantly being pushed to improve and expand your skills a lot of fun with your coworkers." CONS: "Fast-paced job you need to be pretty flexible be ready for whatever McKinsey & Company Company rating: 4.3 CEO approval:100% 2011 ranking: #2 PROS: "Opportunity to work on exciting, high impact projects teams of intelligent and interesting people having a relatively high compensation." CONS: "Occasional long hours, lack of mentors within the firm highly stressful work that can be taken very personally. Facebook Company rating: 4.3 CEO approval:89% 2011 ranking: #3 PROS: "My coworkers are the smartest people. Management team is a group of good human beings. pressure free atmosphere." CONS: "It can feel very chaotic, always on the go. It's it's hard to tell who owns what project. BEST COMPANIES TO WORK FOR
CONCLUSION Organization commitment occurs when the organization Meets a particular employee needs or wants.
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