The 4 R’s & Waste Diversion Reduce – waste prevention, consuming & throwing away less Reuse – repairing, donating, using an item over again so that it does not need to be reprocessed before it’s used again Recycle – refers to the conversion of waste into basic materials so they can be made back into new products Rebuy – buying recycled products & product packaging Diverting – the process of preventing waste from going to the landfill
Recycling Strategies: Aluminum Pros: ◦Saves energy ◦Reduces greenhouse gas emissions ◦Creates jobs ◦Quality of metal lasts longer after being recycled
Recycling Strategies: Glass Pros: ◦Can be recycled constantly ◦Creates jobs ◦Making glass from recycled material cuts water pollution by 50%
Recycling Strategies: Aluminum & Glass Cons: ◦Transportation costs ◦Need land to fill the waste ◦Process pollutes water
Recycling Strategies: Cardboard & Paper Pros: ◦Is biodegradable ◦Does not contaminate food ◦Making cardboard doesn’t emit much toxic waste Cons: ◦Production cuts down trees ◦More transport cost - heavier ◦Not energy efficient
UC System Policy ◦The University prioritizes waste reduction in this order: reduce, reuse, and then recycle ◦Increase the proportion of waste that is reused, recycled, composted, or otherwise diverted from landfill ◦The University’s goal for diverting municipal solid waste from landfills is: ◦Ultimate goal of zero waste by 2020
UC Irvine Campus Recycling
UC Davis Campus Recycling Campus Bins Paper, plastic, glass, aluminum Multi Bins – ink, CD’s, batteries Student Housing “Mixed Recycling bins – no need to separate Other Recyclables Electronics – Bargain Barn Lab & Industrial Material
UC Davis Campus Recycling UC Davis Dining Services recycles the following items: ◦Cardboard, paper products, aluminum, tin, plastic ◦Cooking oil ◦Batteries, electronics, computers, printer cartridges
UC Santa Barbara Campus Recycling Associated Students Recycling Route Riders ◦Students ride specialized tricycles to collect recyclable material from bins all over campus ◦Sort recycling according to CRV regulations & material type
UC San Diego Campus Recycling Diverting ◦Discontinued use of plastic bags at campus bookstore ◦Use non-disposable serve ware in dinging facilities ◦Defaulting double sided printing for all business affairs copiers ◦Installing hydration stations
UC San Diego Campus Recycling Reusing ◦Implementing ChemCycle, a chemical recycling facility that accepts usable surplus chemicals, then provides them to researchers free of charge ◦Collecting oil for re-refining and using retreaded tires on campus shuttles ◦Donating furniture, electronics, and non-perishable food to charitable organizations upon student move outs
Recycling Strategies
References YCIS Beijing, Humanities Teacher at YCIS Beijing. Recycling and substitution. Slideshare. 12 Apr Oct.2013