doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Slide 1 Project: IEEE P Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: A Reference Model of the PAC enabled Networks Date Submitted: 6 May, 2013 Source: Seong-Soon Joo, Jong-Arm Jun, In-Hwan Lee, Cheol-Sig Pyo Company: ETRI Address: 161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, KOREA Voice: , FAX: , Re: Abstract: As a pre-proposal for the IEEE TG8 standards, the reference model of the PAC enabled networks, the procedure of establishing peer groups, and the primitives of peer-aware groupcast are proposed. Purpose:Response to the IEEE TG8 call for proposal Notice:This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release:The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Slide 2 A Reference Model of the PAC enabled Networks Seong-Soon Joo*, Jong-Arm Jun, In-Hwan Lee, Cheol-Sig Pyo ETRI
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Definition of the Peer Aware Communication peer-to-peer wireless personal area network –each device in the network can act as a client or server for the other devices in the network –allowing shared access to various resources such as configuration or control information, location information, sensing data, advertisement, multi-media contents, social contents, … –P2P WPAN provides the distributed physical network on top of which resource sharing applications is built scope of MAC for the P2P WPAN –infrastructure-less coordination –peer-to-peer link establishment –group of peer-to-peer links Slide 3
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 P2P WPAN Features (I) PAC features –discovery signaling rate 100Kbps number of devices in the network get peer information without association relative positioning –coordination fully distributed, infrastructure-less membership in multiple groups, up to 10 multi-hop relay –transmission below 11GHz bands scalable data transmission rates, up to 10Mbps Slide 4
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 P2P WPAN Features (II) PHY supports for –transmitter below 11GHz scalable 100Kbps ~ 10Mbps relative positioning MAC supports for –access control fully distributed coordination multiple group coordination information exchange without association multi-rate link connection –network localization location based networking multi-hop relaying Slide 5
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 PAC enabled Networks (I) networks with the PAC enabled devices –networks of the PAC enabled devices only PAC WPAN –networks of the devices equipped with the PAC PAC enabled X-network (e.g. LTE, Ethernet, WiFi, … ) –hybrid networks of the PAC WPAN and the PAC enabled networks hybrid PAC network Slide 6 PAC WPANPAC enabled X-networkHybrid PAC Network PAC enabled device X-network device
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 PAC enabled Networks (II) PAC WPAN –fixed PAC WPAN –mobile PAC WPAN –fixed & mobile PAC WPAN PAC enabled X-network –as secondary network for the fixed X-network –as secondary network for the mobile X-network Hybrid PAC network –fixed PAC WPAN + mobile PAC enabled X-network –fixed PAC enabled X-network + mobile PAC WPAN Slide 7
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 PAC enabled Networks (III) possible network configurations with the PAC enabled networks –one PAC WPAN –multiple PAC WPAN –one PAC WPAN & one X-network –one PAC WPAN & multiple X-network –multiple PAC WPAN & one X-network –multiple PAC WPAN & multiple X-network Slide 8 PAC WPAN 1 PAC WPAN 2 PAC WPAN 1 X-network 1 PAC WPAN 1 X-network 2 PAC WPAN 2 PAC WPAN 1 X-network 1
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Intra-less Coordination (I) Infra-less ? –free of the PAN coordinator –free of the singular PAN configuration –closed network, not connected to the world –not persistent network, disposable network Questions on the architecture of the PAC WPAN –who configures the network ? –who commences the network formation ? –who authenticates the PAC devices requesting to join the network ? –how identifies the PAC devices as peers ? Slide 9
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Intra-less Coordination (II) Possible usage scenarios of the PAC WPAN –peer network for all the devices in a space to produce periodic information –peer network for a certain device formed by inviting the peer devices –multiple peer networks which a device serves concurrently Roles of the PAC devices in the PAC WPAN –host of network –guest of network –owner of device –owner of peer network –authenticator of device –authenticator of peer network Slide 10
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Intra-less Coordination (III) Coordination –define the mission –set the specification of peer device and P2P network –search peers –start the formation of network –host peers –maintain P2P session –release the peers specification of the PAC coordination –peer profile member of peers P2P network identifier capabilities of peer session –peer-to-peer connection peer location peer-to-peer link –peer connections to multiple PAC WPAN group of peer connections multiple links from a peer Slide 11
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Intra-less Coordination (IV) Design considerations on IEEE for supporting Infra-less Coordination –need to interpret the higher layer service in view of MAC and PHY –support the interfaces to the X-network –form a peer network for persistent use and for temporary use –harmonize co-located multiple peer networks Slide 12
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 MAC for the PAC Networks phase of MAC operation –hosting phase and P2P session phase –handshake mode and association mode –length of MAC phase and time slot assigned for a peer are selected by hashing of peer profile search peers –host broadcasts peer connection request with the peer profile –peers who listen the host broadcast peer connection request –host forms a peer network based on localization of peers –guest serving for multiple peer network select time slot for peer session P2P session –prolong the P2P session phase –maintain peer session for association mode Slide 13
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Peer Aware Groupcast functional procedure of the peer aware groupcast –n-to-m peer group formation –discover peer group –peer aware data access –update peer group –peer aware group relaying command for the peer aware groupcast –discovery command –peer group association command –peer group dis-association command –groupcast data Slide 14
doc.: IEEE Submission ETRI May 2013 Summary define the scope of the TG8 standards propose the framework of the PAC enabled networks propose the specification of the PAC enabled networks capabilities propose the primitives of the PAC services propose the peer aware groupcast capability, functional procedure, and command frame format Slide 15