What’s our Starting Point What’s our Starting Point?: An introduction to process mapping and reviews Student Centre Conference, Sydney, 30th of April 2010 Presenter: Grisel Carreira Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
“Evidence suggests that business process management is delivering costs benefits while reducing errors, increasing value and enabling differentiations” Gartner Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Presentation outline Introductory program: The Hows and Whys of process mapping Advanced program: How the Tango’s 8 Steps can improve your business process Questions? 15 min 5 min Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
The Hows and Whys of process mapping An introduction to process mapping Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
What is covered ? Morning session - Theory Processes overview & methodologies for representation & documentation Exercise Overview on process analysis and improvement Afternoon session - Practice Visio Overview Process diagram + exercise Schedule diagram + exercise Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Processes overview & methodologies for representation & documentation Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Why is process mapping important? Fits with the way the University sector is heading (Plan, Do, Review and Improve) Visual representation Documentation Adaptable to everything Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
What is process mapping used for? Process reengineering Regulatory compliance Activity analysis Simulation Role clarity (SLA) Systems architecture definition Projects Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Process Definition “ A business process is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers.” Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Process mapping / diagrams Basic characteristics: High, medium and low level of detail Framework where process lives Process owner Process stakeholders Shows person responsible for the task Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Other process related diagrams Use Case Activity Schedule Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Methodology - Standards for process representation Diagrams: Unified Modeling Language (UML) Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) Documentation: Join Information System Committee (JISC) http://www.jiscinfonet.ac.uk/InfoKits/process-review/printable-version.pdf Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Process diagrams Not to be reproduced without the written consent of http://xkcd.com/518/ Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Process diagrams for real Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Process documentation and review sheet Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Overview of analysis & improvement Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Business process reengineering BPR “An approach aiming at improvements by means of elevating effectiveness and efficiency of the business process that exist within and across organisations.” Business process improvement BPI “Is a systematic approach to help any organisation optimise its underlying process to achieve more efficient results.” Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Two approaches 1.Throw everything away and start again Process Reengineering 2. Break it down in small parts and improve them Process Improvement Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Consider process requirements Quality Speed People Technology Money Compliance Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Visio overview for processes and schedule diagrams Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Flowcharts shapes Schedule diagrams Cross Functional Flowchart Basic Timeline Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Microsoft Visio tricks Format and manipulate shapes and lines Align diagram Group and ungroup shapes Make diagrams look professional Etc, etc. Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
How the Tango 8 Steps Can Improve Your Business Processes Advanced course on process analysis and review Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Morning session Steps 1 to 5 + 2 exercises Steps 1 to 3 : Salida (Exit) 1) The Whys of the review (Palms together / Start) 2) The What, Hows and Whos of the review (Walk /Focus) 3) Setting up the review (Drift / Set) Steps 4 and 5: Diagonal 4) Define ‘as is’ process (Walk to the Cross / Map) 5) Analyse dysfunctions (Close / Analyse) + 2 exercises Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Afternoon Session Steps 6 to 8 + 2 exercises Resolucion (Completion) 6) Define ‘to be’ process (Forward / Design) 7) Implement (Basic Cross/ Implement ) 8) Continuous improvement (Close the loop / Review) + 2 exercises Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com Steps 1 to 4 Process mapping repetition Specific reviews considerations New techniques for: Setting up the review and framework Defining purpose, objectives Stakeholders analysis Use case, activity and relationship diagrams Friday 30 April 2010 Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Some problems reported No customer focused approach No clarity around the outcome No understanding of current process Lack of communication Changes based on existing tasks/ practice Misuse of resources Lack of guidelines Lack of delegation/ trust , etc. Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Step 5: Analyse process problems Process dysfunctions list Cause, symptoms, frequency How to analyse and represent dysfunctions Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Step 6: Designing the ‘to be’ process Process design principles (BPI, BPR, BPM, 6 Sigma) Techniques used for fishing design ideas Representing changed process Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Step 7: Implementing process changes Assess implementation Some basics required before starting Techniques for a successful implementation Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Step 8: Continuous process improvement Measures and responsibilities (KPI, lead and lag indicators, etc.) Reporting, cycles and trends How to stay tuned with changes and new ideas Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Upcoming ATEM workshops The Hows and Whys of process mapping How the Tango’s 8 Steps can improve your business process www.atem.org.au 15 June 9 July Friday 30 April 2010 Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
The End Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Anonymous Feedback / or Comments? 1. Betterme.com 2. Register 3. Confirm email address 4. Select ‘Give’ tab 5. Enter my email: grisel.carreira@gmail.com 6. Enter feedback or go to http://processworkshops.blogspot.com Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com
Questions? Friday 30 April 2010 Not to be reproduced without the written consent of Grisel Carreira - grisel.carreira@gmail.com