The Cold War Containment and Korea
How do you “fight” a Cold War? Any ideas?????
Truman’s Policy of Containment Foreign Policy at the start of the Cold War –Truman and George F. Kennan’s Policy of “Containment” Truman Doctrine Marshall plan NATO The Korean War –Why are these considered containment?
The Korean War Why did the Korean War start? –How did Truman respond?
Korean War An example/test of containment –June 25, North Korea (supported by China and Soviets) invade South Korea Truman orders military buildup under NSC-68 –This maintains a permanent war time build up of the American Military UN uses absence of Soviets to order troops to defend South Korea –Police action aimed only at preserving 38° parallel
Mapping Korea Use different colors for –North Korea Arrows for their advance and retreats and lines for their furthest advancements –United Nations Troops Arrows for their advance and retreats and lines for their furthest advancements –Chinese Troops Arrows for their advance and retreats and lines for their furthest advancements –Be sure to use dates next to all major movements!
Korean War The Korean War –Macarthur Leads drastic raid on North Korea Pushes the north Koreans all towards China This leads China to enter war –Chinese troops push UN troops back over 38 th parallel Truce signed 1953 –Keeping the two nations divided at the 38°
MacArthur Tests Truman’s Containment –Macarthur eyes China Macarthur suggests invading China, and dropping Atomic bombs on China –Truman not willing to expand the war –Macarthur criticizes Truman publicly, Truman fires Macarthur
Truman vs. Macarthur Why did Truman fire Douglas Macarthur? –Did he make the right decision?
The effects of the Korean War and the firing of Macarthur Truman becomes very unpopular –22% approval rating during the Korean War It was 65% after the end of WWII The Second Red Scare –Fear of Communism becomes a winning political issue for the Republicans Democrats had dominated Congress and the White House since 1932 –Republicans accuse Democrats of being soft on communism »Gain more power in Congress and win the Presidency with Eisenhower in 1952
Truman’s Record Against Communism at Home Truman’s Loyalty Programs –Loyalty Review Board (1947) Investigated federal employees and other “disloyal” organizations 3 million federal employees investigated, 3,000 resigned –11 communists Tried and convicted (1949) Violated the Smith Act (1940) –Convicted for advocating the overthrow of the American government
Committee of Un-American Activities (HUAC) Who? –Members of the House of Representatives Most notably Richard Nixon What? –Investigated “subversion” in America Led to the accusation of members of government, Hollywood, labor unions, etc. –Most famous “catch” was Alger Hiss (Former New Dealer) »Convicted of perjury in 1950 »Never convicted of being a Communist
Joseph McCarthy What? –Wisconsin Republican Senator –Accused Secretary of State Dean Acheson of employing 205 Communist party members (1950) Most accusations were directed towards Democrats –He even directed accusations at George Marshall –Ruined the careers of countless officials, writers, and actors Very little evidence was ever provided at these trials Many people would be accused unless they agreed to “name names”
Joseph McCarthy What? (cont.) –Eisenhower hated McCarthy, but stayed out of his way Eisenhower does not stand up against McCarthy –In return U.S. government loses some of the top Asian experts in the U.S. State department due to accusations
Joseph McCarthy –McCarthy self destructs (1954) McCarthy attacks the military for employing Communists –Televised hearings led to McCarthy self destructing in front of America –Congress condemns him at the end of hearings
Red Scare Results of Red Scare –Very few communists rooted out Although later evidence showed a presence of communists within our government –State Department lost some of its key Asian advisors Would have been helpful as Vietnam wears on –Destruction of Free Speech People were condemned and black balled from industries for merely being accused