Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway Best Practices Asian Highway and Trans-Asian Railway Chief, Transport Infrastructure Section Transport and Tourism Division Ha Dongwoo
Asian Highway: Priority Assigned Islamic Republic of Iran All AH are included in fourth Five Year Development Plan Afghanistan Almost all AH routes are under study or under rehabilitation India National Highway Development Project (US $38 billion) includes upgrading of most of AH routes to 4 lanes.
Asian Highway: Priority Assigned Mongolia National development plan including the Millennium Road Project (AH32) China 35,000 km of high standard national trunk highway system including majority of AH ASEAN Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand: conform AH standards All AH in Cambodia and Lao PDR upgrading in progress
Asian Highway: Financing International Financial Institutions Bilateral donors Co-financing among neighboring countries Enhanced cooperation among neighboring countries – investment not only within their own territories but across borders
Numrug-Choybalsan-Ondorhaan Prefeasibility study ESCAP AH32: Numrug-Choybalsan-Ondorhaan Prefeasibility study ESCAP AH4: Yarantai-Hovd-Ulaanbaishint 750 Km ADB, Mongolia AH3: Zaamin Uud-Ulaanbaatar, China, ROK, ADB, Mongolia US$ 63m
Phuentsholing-Thimphu AH48: Widening Phuentsholing-Thimphu India
Kratie-Border of Lao PDR AH11: Rehabilitation Kratie-Border of Lao PDR China
AH3: Houayxay-Boten China, Thailand, Lao PDR and ADB US $30 m
Thailand, Lao PDR and Japan, AH16: Second Mekong Bridge Thailand, Lao PDR and Japan, 4 billion Yen
Demonstration Runs-Implementation Moscow Vostochny Malaszewicze July 2004 10,350 km - 12 days 8 hours 4 35 km/h - 837 km/day Brest Ulaan 15-24 June 2004 7,200 km - 8 days 16 hours 3 35 km/h - 830 km/day Tianjin Ulaan baatar 8-11 November 2003 1,700 km - 75 hours 20 min. 1 22.5 km/h - 541 km/day Almaty Lianyungang 22-29 April 2004 5,020 km - 7 days 6 hours 2 29 km/h - 692 km/day
Successful launch & regular operation Friendship Express (Tianjin – Ulaanbaatar) Mongolian Vector (Ulaanbaatar – Brest) Ulaanbaatar to Brest (Belarus)
From 152 trains (2004) to 278 trains (Jan-Aug 2006) Container block-train services from Lianyungang/Qingdao/Tianjin to Alashanko From 152 trains (2004) to 278 trains (Jan-Aug 2006) Lianyungang to Alataw Pass (Alashankou)
Trial runs for development of new services From Hohhot to Frankfurt From Tianjin to Kouvola, Finlkand From Urumqi to Novorossisk Tianjin to Kouvola (Finland)
Assessing impact of measures Measure the efficiency of policy / infrastructure improvements 100 200 300 400 500 2000 4000 6000 8000 Distance (km) Time (hours) (6,798 km) Sukhbaatar (6,778 km) Naushki (7,200 km) Ulaanbaatar 2002 15 days (statistics) (6,798 km) Sukhbaatar (6,778 km) Naushki (7,200 km) Ulaanbaatar 2004 8 days 16 hrs (demonstration run) (610 km) Krasnoe Brest
More information Further contact United Nations ESCAP Ha Dongwoo Tel. Fax. E-mail. 66-2-288 1515 66-2-288 3050 Further contact