Sean Strosnider
Year: 1972 President: Richard Nixon Scandal Burglaries Attempted cover-up
Nixon Eisenhower’s V.P. in 1952 Republican Nixon vs. McGovern Trips made to Soviet Union and China
Nixon narrowly won 1968 election. He adopted “Southern Strategy” Nixon defeated McGovern by an astounding 49 states to 1. (Maryland)
Watergate Complex Built : January 1971 Scandal: June 1972 Location: Washington D.C. Democratic National Committee headquarters were located on the 6 th floor.
June 1972 At first, little attention Bob Woodward; Carl Bernstein(Washington Post) Many tips by the name of “Deep Throat” -Top official of FBI
Bob Woodward: Carl Bernstein “Reporters who broke the biggest story in American politics” System of political “dirty tricks” and crimes.
Multiple people linked. Included some of Nixon’s administration officials. President Nixon denied any knowledge of break-in. Trial went on. Nixon claims “Executive Privilege” Judge denies.
Summary Triggers a line of resignations Would become known as Saturday Night Massacre. Supreme Court Ruling The tapes eventually become public (within the trial)
Evidence piled up Tapes were analyzed in every way Became national that he ordered a cover-up Unknown
The House Judiciary Committee recommends impeachment. 9 th of August