TST Session 3.2. Steps 3.b. & 3.c. Questionnaires & Enumerator Training WFP Markets Learning Programme1 Trader Survey Training
Learning Objectives By the end of this session, participants should be able to: List the six key sections of a trader survey questionnaire – and explain the purpose of each Adapt a generic trader questionnaire as needed List the three key sections of a market questionnaire – and explain the purpose of each Adapt a generic market questionnaire as needed Identify the key components of an enumerator training for market analysis WFP Markets Learning Programme 2 Trader Survey Training
Nine Principles guide “The Four Step Approach” Step 2: Establishing field survey parameters Step 1: Formulation of assumptions Step 4: Supervision, analysis and reporting Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training WFP Markets Learning Programme Conducting a Trader Survey
WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 4 Training Survey plan Trader & Market questionnaires Step 3.C. Step 3.A. Step 3.B. Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training
A food security analysis plan includes following sources: Trader questionnaire (Annex 2 - How to Conduct a Trader Survey?) Market questionnaire (Annex 3 - How to Conduct a Trader Survey?) Household questionnaire Community questionnaire Secondary data analysis In this TST, focus is on trader & market questionnaires (For HH & community questionnaires, a few market-related questions that should be incorporated will be noted) 9/18/ Trader & Market questionnairesStep 3.B.
Generic questionnaire for local trader interviews: based on indicators in analysis plan deals with one product per interview Turn to “Annex 2 - How to Conduct a Trader Survey?” 9/18/20156 Trader questionnaire Step 3.B.
4 key adaptations of generic questionnaire: 1.In sudden emergency, questions compare situation before/after; in a slow-onset emergency, questions compare current situation with 1 year ago; in baseline survey – compare with usual situation during the same period/season 2.Reg/(trans)nat’l market interviews contain same questions as local market questionnaire but with spaces added for other qualitative info 3.Horizon of assessment & trader survey should be fixed (e.g. 6 or 12 months) & be reflected in questions about future 4.Questionnaire should reflect local products being traded Cover page: to be completed before and after the interview 9/18/20157 Trader questionnaire Step 3.B.
9/18/20158 Step 3.B. Trader questionnaire TS Questionnaire SectionPurpose (helps…) 1.General characteristicsSelect right person & product 2. Volumes & flowsUnderstand market competition, sales volumes, & sources of essential food items 3. Constraints & response capacity Understand capacity of markets to respond to increased demand (due to, e.g., cash / voucher distribution or increased local purchases 4. Credit & stocks strategyIdentify HH demand for trader credit 5. Prices & transaction costIdentify price HHs pay for food; trader transaction costs. 6. Price prospectsUnderstand possible future price evolution & determining factors for this
Generic questionnaire for interviews with market chiefs: based on analysis plan indicators focuses on general market issues: prices local availability number of traders price-fixing taxes observations of various market activities Turn to “Annex 2 - How to Conduct a Trader Survey?” 9/18/ Market questionnaire Step 3.B.
Generic questionnaire adapted as follows: 1.Insert local products being traded in Section 1 2.Insert products selected for survey in Section 2 3.Further changes to questions may be needed if analysis plan & survey questions are revised (but avoid adding/deleting questions without changes to the analysis plan); Cover page: to be completed before & after interview (insert coordinates if possible) 9/18/ Market questionnaire Step 3.B.
9/18/ Market questionnaire Step 3.B. Market Questionnaire Section Purpose (helps…) 1. Market prices & availability Understand retail prices (on local markets) & wholesale (on regional or (trans)national markets 2. Market responseAssess level of market competition and identify taxes/fees inhibiting smooth market functioning that might be lowered to reduce food insecurity 3. Visual observationsIdentify changes compared to normal situation
Team Exercise: Review Generic Trader & Market Questionnaires (Annexes 2 and 3 of “How to Conduct a Trader Survey?” handout) and adapt as needed for Day Four market visit Use laptops or flip charts to note adaptations, and be prepared to present findings to plenary group 150 minutes WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 12 Trader & Market questionnaireStep 3.B.
Debriefing: Adaptations? WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 13
WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 14 Training Survey plan Trader & Market questionnaires Step 3.C. Step 3.A. Step 3.B. Step 3: Elaboration of a survey plan, questionnaires and training
Enumerator training: crucial for survey success A two-day training – with field testing – is generally recommended General rule: train 25% more enumerators than are needed to enable selection of best 9/18/ TrainingStep 3.C.
2-Day Enumerator Training Day One 1. Present & discuss survey plan 2. Explain approach used to select traders 3. Review, discuss each market & trader questionnaire question – one by one 4. Provide background info (e.g. on voucher programmes) 5. Use classroom case studies Day Two 1. Field test with traders 2. Review and discuss field test in plenary group 3. Evaluate exercise to identify & select best enumerators WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 16 TrainingStep 3.C.
Wrap-up Remember: Questionnaires are, by definition, intrusive. Always be aware: most people would prefer not to have to answer your questions be wise be sensitive be polite WFP Markets Learning Programme Trader Survey Training 17