Where in the world is Vietnam? Describe it position in the world using different geographic features.


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Presentation transcript:

Where in the world is Vietnam? Describe it position in the world using different geographic features

The Vietnam War ( ) Vietnam relations – Harry Truman ( ) Vietnam War Presidents – Dwight Eisenhower ( ) – JFK ( ) – LBJ ( ) – Richard Nixon ( ) – Gerald Ford ( )

De-colonization What does it mean? Following WWII, the European colonies in Africa and Asia fell apart. France tried to hold onto Vietnam.

Origins of Vietnam War Vietnam under French rule since late 1800s to WWII Ho Chi Minh sought Vietnamese independence; gained support from Soviet communists – 1930 Ho started the Indochinese Communist Party After being controlled by Japan during WWII, the U.S. sent aid to Ho’s Vietminh. After the defeat of Japan, Ho announced an independent Vietnam.

France sent troops in to regain their control. France and the Vietminh battled for control of Vietnam (see handout—Vietnam: Early U.S. involvement)

U.S. Support for the French Read Problem 1 Factors towards support: Reasons to stay out:

President Truman sent U.S. aid (no troops) to France; SU sent support to communist Vietminh

The Battle for Dien Bien Phu Read Problem 2 Why should the U.S. support the French? What reasons may prevent the U.S. from supporting the French?

May 1954 the French withdrew from Vietnam after a lost at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu – President Eisenhower did not send the French U.S. support

The Geneva Accords divided the country into North (Ho Chi Minh) and South (Ngo Dinh Diem  supported by the U.S.) – Along the 17 th parallel Re-unification was planned for 1956

Summary: T.O.T.D How did President Eisenhower defend the U.S. policy in Vietnam?

What problems did the U.S. face in relation to the conflict in Vietnam? Describe the four problems in the notebook.