Junior Achievement 4.3 “Building a Better Resume”
It’s time to review our vocabulary. Employer: A person or business that employs one or more people, usually for a salary. Employee: A person who works for an employer. Job Application: A formal, written request for employment.
“Honest is the best policy.” - Benjamin Franklin Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not?
Why is it important to always be honest with your employer?
Today you will have an opportunity to show honesty as you write a resume.
A resume is a summary of your work history and school experience. It also has personal information about you that will help your employer decide which job is right for you.
A resume gives information about your skills, talents, and abilities. It can show what you have accomplished in your life.
Let’s look at Janet Smith’s personal profile to her her fill out a resume template.
Now it’s your turn. Turn to page 55 in your workbook and fill out your own resume template.
Remember, it’s important to be honest and accurate. Take your time so your resume shows you in the best possible way!