doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 1 IMT-Advanced Closing Report Date: Authors: Name Company Address Phone Bruce Kraemer Marvell 5488 Marvell Ln Santa Clara, CA Darwin Engwer Nortel Networks 4655 Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara CA
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 2 IEEE IMT-Advanced – November 2008 Technical portion of Circular Letter was completed in October 2008 (Korea) –October 7 workshop held WG11 Session Goals Review IMT-Advanced Status Review discussions held with WG21 in September Review WG18 plans for November Review concept of 802 contribution Discuss WG11 project options Present project recommendation to WG11 on Friday
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 3 Discussion Overview 1. No substantive changes to IMT-U WP5D requirements Korea activity tidied up incomplete documents 2. Best known option for WG11 is to continue engagement in support of WG16 Encouragement from WG21 and WG16 to remain as a component in the solution 3. Refine WG11 work proposal Thursday Participate in Tuesday discussion in WG18 Continue dialog with WG21 & WG16 on best aproach Consider WG11 project options (ad hoc or other ?)
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 4 WG21 Exchanges in Sept
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 5 WG18 Exchanges
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 6 Seoul Korea Workshop slide
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 7 Connection Status CompleteRequires completion of TGu
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 8 Ongoing WG11 Obligations for IMT Via 18 Create, review, approve WG11 relevant documents to ITU-R WP5D E.g. M.1801 RADIO INTERFACE STANDARDS FOR BROADBAND WIRELESS ACCESS SYSTEMS, INCLUDING MOBILE AND NOMADIC APPLICATIONS, IN THE MOBILE SERVICE OPERATING BELOW 6 GHz M Characteristics of Broadband Local Area Networks Participate in Circular letter review process (e.g r5)
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 9 IMT-A Activities Proposal 1.Agree that WG11 will make no IMT-A RIT submission to WP5D. 2.Agree that supporting other IEEE 802 WG IMT-A RIT submissions is beneficial 3.Agree that the MIH approach is the most beneficial activity for WG11 to complete (slide 10). 4.Agree that WG11 Assist WG21 and TGu, as appropriate, to expedite closure of any open items needed for Item #3. Continue to maintain dialog with, and respond to requests from, other WGs
doc.: IEEE /1429r0 Submission November 2008 Bruce Kraemer (Marvell); Darwin Engwer (Nortel)Slide 10 Project Proposal Disband ad hoc Rely WG chair and WG 21 liaison reports for status information