Preventative Localization QA Strategies IWIPS 2002 Breakout Session July 12, 2002 Dave Pearson, Production Manager Jessica Rathke, Business Development Director
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 Objectives Define preventative QA Cite specific case studies to stimulate thought & discussion on: –Improved project planning –Problem avoidance strategies –QA strategies that work & why –Impact on ROI New ideas for preventative QA
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 What is Preventative QA? Proactive vs. reactive Identify potential/common problems Integrate QA into entire L10n process to avoid or solve them –Analysis and planning –Adjusting tools/processes –Sequence QA appropriately Result is higher quality, on-time delivery, within budget, with less stress!
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 Suggested Preventative QA Steps Thorough up-front file analysis –Identify missing, surplus, problem files –Project scoping & planning –Time to develop custom tools Communication –Complete information (e.g. L10n Kit) Install & set-up instructions Test guidelines –Discuss/understand all assumptions at beginning –Establish solid reporting infrastructure I18n testing / pseudo-translation –Uncover critical problems before L10n Automated tools eliminate error/randomness
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 Suggested Preventative QA Steps Leverage US source as much as possible –Create/validate test scripts on US product –Take US screens to validate & fix Change management –Develop plan before project start so impact on project is known Sequential vs. parallel QA testing –Identify bugs at the right time by the right person Static debugging – flat files, prior to build Engineering testing Linguistic testing Smoke testing - Multiple browsers/platforms
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 I18n Testing: Source Build and Files Case Study #1 – Application Server Software –Pseudo translation of UI uncovered character set problems and lack of db support –UI localization continued in parallel with fixes –Help/doc localization proceeded –UI fixed and L10n followed for timely delivery Benefit: Distinguishing source issues from L10n issues early enabled time for fix and on- time delivery
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 Change Management Case Study #2 – CD/DVD Creation Software –Customer under tight deadlines –US product changing, with constant updates from customer –Customer process for issuing and incorporating the L10n'd updates is unknown –After a thorough discussion with customer, update process was re-defined. Benefit: L10n updates were reduced, more efficient, better planned. On time delivery and reduced costs
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 Thank you Contact Information: Jessica Rathke Dave Pearson
July 12, 2002IWIPS 2002 Discussion Does anyone have any similar experiences to the ones outlined? Can anyone think of a different example of preventative QA that saved a lot of time? What are the biggest avoidable issues that tend to come up time and again? What issues haven’t you been able to resolve? How can vendors and suppliers help each other more to prevent QA problems?