Building a global business digital marketing Pradeep Chopra Co-founder, OMLogic Consulting
Whizlabs Software “Global Reach from an Indian Beach”
Whizlabs in People with no clue about Selling Rs 45,000/- (personal savings) Good Product for IT Professionals No Customer
Whizlabs in 2005 One of the Global Leaders 1M Unique Visitors in a niche community Over 400,000 Users Customers in over 130 Countries Over 70 Enterprise Customers 95% Revenue from Outside India Yet, No Sales Team | No Visit Outside Delhi “We don’t go anywhere, we reach everywhere!”
The Turning Point… Jan 10, 2001: Launched Java certification product Jan 28: Sold online to someone in US for 25$ August: Launched 2 nd Product And Whizlabs started…
Time to Sell Pre-order
Revenue Distribution
Key Corporate Customers
Why global and what’s the opportunity? Internet has created a level playing field, independent of: –Time –Distance –Capital
Why global and what’s the opportunity?..contd 1st Billion Internet Users
Our Learnings… What Worked?
What Always Works?
Let’s look at an example
Top Line Grew by 25% Old websiteNew website How?
We Inquired “Who is visiting our website?”
What We Discovered? Professionals thinking “Why certification?” Professionals thinking “Which certification?” Professionals thinking “How to prepare?” Professionals clear about everything. Now looking for specific product. Not talking to them Talking to them – but not clear
Impact Loosing customers during trust building stage No relationship with customers Talking to a small % of potential customers
What We Decided? Articles on “Why to certify?”, “Which certification is for you?” Preparation guides for all certifications Revamped site navigation and user experience “Talk to customers at every stage in the sales cycle” Result: 25% increase in Revenue
What Worked? Pricing: Going Global, Staying Local –Pricing Vs Quality –Differential Pricing
What Worked? B2B Works
What Worked? … contd Beyond Sales & Marketing –Hiring –Market Research –Branding
What Worked? … contd Organic Rankings: Localization
What didn’t? … contd $/customer
What didn’t? … contd Scale
What didn’t? … contd Customer Engagement
What didn’t? Communication (language)
What didn’t? … contd Online +
Marketing is Marketing Business Strategy Marketing Promotion (Product, Service or a Brand) SEOSEM
The Current Reality Marketing Business Strategy MarketingPromotion (Product, Service or a Brand) SEOSEM Online Marketing Marketing
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