UK LOCKSS Alliance Today’s scholarly content, secured for tomorrow Adam Rusbridge UK LOCKSS Alliance Coordinator EDINA, University of Edinburgh 19 th October 2011 JARVIG Workshop, London
Community Action for Assured Access A co-operative organization whose goal is to ensure continuing access to scholarly work in ways that are sustainable over the long term. UKLA is a social organization of library e-resources staff Support Service at EDINA provides underlying coordination, support and development JISC Collections organises membership subscriptions and gives support JISC prompted the initial project led by the Digital Curation Centre ( ) 17 member institutions De Montfort University King’s College London London School of Economics Natural History Museum Open University Royal Holloway, University of London University of Birmingham University of Edinburgh University of Glasgow University of Hertfordshire University of Huddersfield University of Newcastle Upon Tyne University of Oxford University of Salford University of St. Andrews University of Warwick University of York Steering Committee directs activity (next meeting Nov 10) Phil Adams (De Montfort University) Lisa Cardy (London School of Economics) Geoff Gilbert (University of Birmingham) Tony Kidd (University of Glasgow) Liz Stevenson (University of Edinburgh) Lorraine Estelle (JISC Collections) Peter Burnhill (EDINA) Adam Rusbridge (EDINA)
Community is actively involved Background to LOCKSS: Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe Libraries lease access to content, they no longer acquire content Libraries are outsourcing a key function - as memory organizations Libraries are subject to whatever these services wish to charge LOCKSS technology is used by institutions that wish to have custody and control over their scholarship Review has highlighted two distinct motivations for participation Short-term backup – LOCKSS is the only system that can provide this. Preservation, especially content from smaller publishers, where content may be at greater risk – typically out of scope for other services Annual face-to-face meetings to: Discuss LOCKSS, understand local needs, share information on e-journal archiving landscape Staff not always with explicit preservation role, so F2F consistently well received “It was an extremely useful day, and will help me to ensure that we get best value from our LOCKSS membership.”
Libraries build local collections 8090 participating titles (committed aggregate) 487 participating publishers and societies eBooks coming in 2012 (Springer, European Respiratory Society, Project Muse book program) NESLi2 and NESLi2-SMP survey in Spring 2011 Working with JISC Collections on negotiation strategy Content to be targeted largely a policy decision; technology can work with any publishing platform. Open Journal System includes support for LOCKSS. The Keepers Registry will support title identification Preservation of smaller publishers, where content may be at greater risk – typically out of scope for other services
Libraries build local infrastructure Key questions to help shift to e-only and build trust. What have I preserved? How do I access it? Export of holding information in KBART format What content is available to me? What content have I preserved? Access to content when publisher not available Serials Solutions’ 360Link link resolver access to content in final stages of testing Ex Libris’ SFX integration:
Future of the UK LOCKSS Alliance Universities directly benefit from institutional action Post-cancellation access as a backup mechanism (independent supply from publishers) Digital preservation of important, at-risk content (digital shelf) Private LOCKSS Networks for institutional collections UK LOCKSS Alliance is the basis of community action by UK HE library staff to ensure UK custody and control over the scholarship that is generated and used by our faculty, students, and staff