1 Professor Erik Bichard University of Salford Changing Values to Create a Sustainable Culture
2 What are Values An individual’s judgement of what is valuable or important in life One of a number of ‘internal factors’ that influence behaviour including: Motivation Knowledge Awareness Attitudes Emotions Locus of control Responsibilities Priorities After Kollmuss and Agyman, 2002
What are Attitudes and Behaviours? Attitudes are ‘certain regularities of an individual’s feelings, thoughts and predisposition to act towards some aspect of his/her environment’. (Secord and Backman, 1969) Emotions (affective) + Thought (cognitive) + Willingness to act (behaviour) = Attitude Willingness is tempered by a belief that the action will be effective, but also that it will be well received by others (Ajzen and Fishbien (1980)
Methods like MOSAIC and Acorn don’t build in values as they are based broadly on geodemographic stratification. A alternative is to understand people based on Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs (inner directed ethics, truth etc., looking forward to the future), outer directed (esteem, living in the now) and security, looking backwards, living in the past. (Campaignstrategy.org, May 2005) Why Consumer Segmentation Doesn’t Work
5 Values Based Segmentation Reacts to Problems by… Searches for… Pioneers (21%) Doing something about it themselves Something new and exciting Prospectors (44%) Organising with others Something that feels good Settlers (35%) Calling for someone to do something Something that is safe After Rose, Dade and Scott (2007) Values-Based Segmentation
Provides the context within which we understand an issue Failure to understand the (often unconcious) way an issue is framed is to loose the battle before its starts Framing
Framing: Climate Change CLIMATE FOSSIL FUEL POLLUTION After work by George Lakoff
8 The Natural Cycle Earth’s Crust After The Natural Step
9 Undermining the System Earth’s Crust Waste 1. Overwhelm it 2. Poison it 3. Liquidate it 4. Waste it! After The Natural Step
11 Workshop Your University has decided to run a building-by-building competition to reduce energy consumption. Prepare an influencing strategy that incorporates a values-based approach through appropriate framing and incentives. The strategy should: Be aiming for maximum participation Be aiming for maximum results
12 1. Everyone is different, but many share similar values so while one size rarely fits all, sometimes three will do the trick 2. Values-based strategies tend to include a larger number of people 3. Framing is the way to direct a message to fit with a value
13 Contact Details jsp Read ‘Positively Responsible’ (Butterworth Heinemann)
14 Your next steps – making the most of your EAUC Membership… 1. Resources - visit the dedicated community, leadership and behaviour change EAUC resource bank sections 2. Networks - Join our Embedding Positive Attitudes and Behaviours Community of Practice - for those wanting to identify with the challenges of changing the behaviour of staff and students Find out more about this group at 5pm today – see programme for details 3. Recognition - want recognition for your staff and student engagement initiatives - enter the 2012 Green Gown Awards behaviour change category. Entries open summer Measure and improve - sign up to LiFE – EAUC Members receive a significant discountwww.thelifeindex.org.uk Membership matters at