Treasurers Report Oliver Holland IEEE DySPAN-SC Treasurer 5 th General Meeting of DySPAN-SC Grenoble, France June
2 Status on a Yearly Basis o Annual 2009 Assets at start of year (in account)$ 28, Assets at end of year (in account)$ 34, End of year including accrued $ 42, o Annual 2010 Assets at start of year (in account)$ 34, Assets at end of year (in account)$ 37, End of year including accrued $ 48, o Annual 2011 Assets at start of year (in account)$ 37, Assets at end of year (in account)$ 35, End of year including accrued $ 52, o 2012 to date (as on 23 June 2012) Assets at start of year (in account)$ 35, Income$ 24, Expense$ (7,316.15) Interest$ Current net assets (in account, 23 Jun 2012)$ 53, th IEEE DySPAN-SC General Meeting – Grenoble, France, Jun 25-28, 2012
3 Status on a Yearly Basis 5 th IEEE DySPAN-SC General Meeting – Grenoble, France, Jun 25-28, 2012
DivisionLocationDateRevenue Expense Net TokyoJan 10$11,241.60$8,036.69$ SCC41 San DiegoMar 10$231.80*$0.00*$231.80* OkinawaMay 10$4,548.95**$4,906.06**$(357.11)** SCC41 DelftJul 10$10,809.30$8,068.88$2, Ft. Mon.Aug 10$1,212.67$754.78$ CagliariSept 10$3,238.10$2,776.03$ SCC41 Ft. Laud.Dec 10$10,968.30$7,785.18$3, DySPANSingaporeMar 11$6,794.16$6,558.66$ DySPANBrusselsJun 11$0.00*$0.00*$0.00* /.6/.7 BerlinSept 11$9,171.50$3,816.46$5, DySPANScottsdaleDec 11$7,808.10$7,751.05$57.05 DySPANOsakaMar 12$7,615.85***$7,336.15***$279.70*** DySPANGrenobleJun 12$0.00***$0.00***$0.00*** *Meeting financial arrangements and planning were kindly dealt with by the Wireless Innovation Forum, hence this meeting had minimal impact on the SCC41/DySPAN-SC account. **Planning for this meeting disrupted by uncertainty about collocation due to SASB freeze on meetings until a new Chair was found, hence loss. *** Numbers will be revised as not known or fully confirmed at this time. 4 Meeting Financials 5 th IEEE DySPAN-SC General Meeting – Grenoble, France, Jun 25-28, 2012
5 WGs Finance Availabilities o Indication of financial assistance available to WGs from the DySPAN-SC account, should they require it. Calculated to 23 rd June 2012 according to the revised procedure passed by motion at the 2012 Osaka General Meeting Available to = $ Available to = $20, Available to = $1, Available to = $1, * Available to = $1, Available to DySPAN-SC = $27, ** *Losses from the Okinawa meeting ignored (DySPAN-SC absorbing the cost) as passed by motion in the Delft General Meeting. This is because uncertainty on / collocation unfairly led to running a loss for this meeting. **Not including the effect of Grenoble general meeting, values for which are not known at this time; values for the Osaka general meeting are subject to possible minor updates. 5 th IEEE DySPAN-SC General Meeting – Grenoble, France, Jun 25-28, 2012