Hamartiology: Is Sin Really So Bad? A Study of the Doctrine of Sin
“Sin is what you do when you’re not satisfied with God.” [John MacArthur] “Sin is irrational. Consider Satan himself, who knows more about God than most any of us but, nevertheless, seeks to replace God on the throne; an intelligent begin, yet from one perspective incredibly stupid.” [John Frame, Salvation Belongs to the Lord.]
WHAT IS SIN? Degrees of sin Every — and any — sin is worthy of eternal condemnation (Rom. 5:16; 6:23) Scripture denotes that some sins are greater or lesser than others (Mt. 5:19; 23:23; Jn. 19:11). Some sins are more offensive to God because — some sins deserve excommunication from the church body some sins do not deserve excommunication from the church body some sins attributed the work of Christ to Satan some sins remain perpetual, malicious, willful and unconfessed
THE QUESTION OF ORIGINAL SIN — DEPRAVITY This term does not mean — every individual is as completely corrupt and depraved as he could become the sinner has no innate knowledge of God the sinner cannot admire virtuous and righteous character every unbelieving man will indulge of every form of sin. This term does mean — the inherent sin in man extends to every part of his nature there is no spiritual good in relation to God in the sinner at all
THE QUESTION OF THEODICY God does not and cannot sin Himself nor can He decree or command sin (Js. 1:13). God does use sin to accomplish His purposes God does use even the greatest sin (Acts 2:23-24) as the greatest demonstration of His purpose and for the exaltation and glory of His name.
HOW WAS SIN IMPUTED TO ALL MEN FROM ADAM? Imputation of sin means that sin is universal. We sin because we are sinners (born with original sin) and we are sinners because we sin (our own sin condemns us). If there is no imputation of Adam’s sin to us, then neither can there be an imputation of Christ’s righteousness to us (Rom. 5:18). If Adam cannot sin on our behalf, then neither can Christ offer His righteousness on our behalf (1 Cor. 15:22).
WHY DO CHRISTIANS STILL SIN? Believers have been saved from the power of sin so they no longer have to sin (1 Jn. 2:1). Believers still have indwelling sin (Rom. 7:17, 18, 20, 21), though they are freed from its power. The sources of conflict for the believer are (1 Jn. 2:16) — the world — the system that is under the control of Satan which is hostile to God. the flesh — the old nature and man — indwelling sin the devil — Satan and his angels who seek to devour Christians (1 Pt. 5:8).
WHAT IS THE PROVISION FOR THE BELIEVER? the Word of God (Js. 1:5) the intercession of Christ (Heb. 7:25) the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 8:9; Gal. 5:16ff) the redemption of sin through confession and forgiveness (1 Jn. 1:9)
WHAT IS THE HOPE FOR THE CHRISTIAN WHO SINS? Our sins do not affect our legal standing with God. Our sin does disrupt our fellowship with God — Our sin is redeemable and is able to be used as an instrument of growth by means of appropriating afresh the truths of the gospel.
WHAT ABOUT UNBELIEVERS? Unregenerate men remain guilty because of imputed sin. Unregenerate men are born with original, in a state of death, separated from God. Unregenerate men are guilty because of their own acts of personal sin against God. Unregenerate men live under sin, with no ability to escape apart from God’s grace. Unregenerate men remain under the blinding influence and authority of Satan.