Places of Refuge Task Force
POR Task Force Products Following a presentation to the RRT the NWACP steering committee directed our group to work to: Finalize changes to the POR Decision Memo and Matrix for RRT Approval Create a Outreach Plan Create guidance and update the POR chapter of the NWACP to explain how to use POR decision tools. Exercise the POR tools
Accomplishments The POR Decision Memo & Matrix are ready for RRT Approval and incorporation in the the POR chapter of the NWACP We recognized we needed another tool… the “Hasty Sheet” was born We recognized we need to compile logistical information about potential POR for decision makers… the POR Chartlet/Tool was born.
Challenges & Next Steps Outreach Plan– we started to develop an outreach plan but realized the NWACP Outreach Task Force can help! We need to ensure consist messages around What is a POR? What does it mean to be a Potential POR? What is considered when making a POR decisions How are POR decisions made? Also… how with the NWACP get these messages out? We need more time and support to identify additional potential POR Sites and the logistical information for the POR chartlet/tools We need guidance from the RRT… where will the potential POR sites tools be posted?
Next Steps Next POR meeting is 22 Feb 2012 Finalize the decision Making Memo / Hasty Sheet using input from the RRT walkthrough Support planning of at TTX drill to exercise the new POR decision memo and tools Coordinate with the Outreach Taskforce on the POR outreach plan Liaison with the Steering Committee for guidance if outreach needs to be done before incorporating the POR tools into the NWACP