AP Literature and Composition February 14, 2014 Mr. Houghteling “It’s a Find yourself one Friday, and because it’s Friday, you know what that means…!”
“It’s great to be alive!”
Quickwrite—Write the implications of this quotation. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” --George Santayana, 1905 In what ways (from your own life) has this quotation proven true? Are there ways that this quotation can be proven to be false? Explain.
Common Core Standard Reading Standard for Literature: Grade 12 “Analyze multiple interpretations of a story, drama or poem (live or recording production) evaluating how each version interprets the source text.”
Background Considering the song “Strange Fruit,” what are the implications or significance (if any) of the following: The song, originally a poem, was written by a Jewish schoolteacher in New York City in 1936 in response to viewing a picture of a lynching from Marion, Indiana. It was recorded by Billie Holliday, an African American woman, in It was later recorded by a white singer from Cincinnati in 2004, 65 years after the first recording.
EXIT SLIP—Create a T-Chart Billie Holliday Qualities and characteristics of the performance and text. The Twilight Singers Qualities and characteristics of the performance and text. Summary or Conclusion Frame
EXIT SLIP—Create a T-Chart Billie Holliday 007rzSOI The Twilight Singers ZUzHQNI Summary or Conclusion Frame
HOMEWORK Read, annotate, and understand “If We Must Die,” by Claude McKay. Make connections between that poem and the two other poems we’ve discussed: “The White House,” and “Strange Fruit.”