1.What is the significance of the story of the man hanging off the cliff and eating the berry? How can you live life one moment at a time while beginning with the end in mind? 2.What is the significance of the story about the diamonds? 3.“Life is a banquet but most people are starving.” What does this mean to you? 4.What is the significance of the story of the man and the mendicant? “I don’t want this diamond. Could you give me the riches that make it possible for you to give this thing away? 5.“Life is something that happens to us while we’re busy at something else” You have 3 ½ months left at Cathedral. In what way (s) do you need to un-busy yourself and focus on life?
6.“The tragedy is not in how much we suffer, but in how much we miss.” What does this mean to you? 7.“Human beings are born asleep, live asleep and die asleep.” How do we wake up? 8.DeMello says we’re all given a drug as a child. What is the drug DeMello is talking about? 9.What happens once you take the drug? 10.What do you lose the ability to do when under the affects of the drug? What “drug” are you under the affects of? What have you lost the ability to do because of it? 11.In what ways do you respond as a robot?
12.What does DeMello mean when he says if you drop the drug everything will be the same, but, “You will have dropped out. You will be in the world but not of the world.” How does this idea parallel living a life of faith? 13.What is the difference between loneliness and aloneness? 14.Think of someone whose approval you think you need. In what way have you lost your freedom because of it? 15.Think of someone you think is necessary to ease the pain of your loneliness. In what way have you lost your freedom because of it?
16.What are the two kinds of desire DeMello talks about? What is the significance of this? 17.“As long as I need you, I cannot love you.” What do you think DeMello means by this? Do you agree or disagree? Why? 18.How does DeMello define spirituality? What role does religion play? 19.How often are you attune to what others think, feel and will say about you? 20.What do we need to discover in order to be transformed?