4.3.14 Bell Ringer 1. Explain this quotation: "You cannot extend the mastery of government over the daily working life of the people without, at the same time, making it the master of the people’s souls and thought." -President Herbert Hoover 2. A significant cause of the Great Depression of the 1930’s was that A. some banking policies were unsound and had led to the overexpansion of credit B. a decrease in protective tariffs had opened American business to competition from abroad C. a wave of violent strikes had paralyzed the major industries D. consumer goods were relatively inexpensive 3. In the 1930’s, the enactment of New Deal programs demonstrated a belief that A. corporations were best left to operate without government interference B. state governments should give up control over commerce inside their states C. the Federal Government must concern itself with the people’s economic well-being D. the United States Constitution was not relevant to 20th-century life
CONVERSATION: Individual, partner, and large group. HELP: Ask a neighbor or raise your hand. ACTIVITY: Block party and 4 corners. MOVEMENT: Partners, Group of 4, and then 4 corners. PARTICIPATION: No heads down, no headphones, make transitions easy today. BE RESPECTFUL! HW: Personal artifacts from the Recession due Thursday Agenda Bell Ringer(5 min) CHAMPS(2 min) 3. Block Party(15 min) 4. 4 Corners (10 min) 5. Exit Ticket(10 min) Tars are C.H.A.M.P.S.
Block Party Step 1: Read your quotation silently and think about what it means. Step 2: Read your quotation out loud to a partner and explain what you think it means and your opinion. Step 3: Listen to your partner read and explain his or her quotation. Step 4: Find two people to join up with and read your quotation out loud and explain it. Step 5: Listen to your 3 other group members do the same.
4 Corners: Personal and cultural expression will improve economic problems in the USA. Agree Disagree
Exit Ticket 1.Pick a type of personal or cultural expression you would use to change economic conditions during the Great Depression or today and write it down: Song Rap Poem Drawing Photograph Performance Editorial (letter) 2. A. Start to draft your piece. OR B. Explain why your choice to number 1 is the best way to improve economic conditions.