All About Plants. Name two types of roots. Tap root Fibrous root.


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Presentation transcript:

All About Plants

Name two types of roots. Tap root Fibrous root

See samples homework

Edible Roots

How do seeds gets spread around? Wind can blow seeds off of a plant. Water, like rain, can knock seeds off plants.

Animals or people brushing up against a plant can have seeds stick to their clothing.

People can move seeds around.

Birds eat seeds. They then poop the seeds out in another location. The seed has fertilizer around it (feces) and it can grow where it lands.

What shape leaf is best for photosynthesis? water Nutrients/nitrogen sunlight carbon dioxide

What type of leaf do you think will be able to get more sunshine into it? The bigger the leaf, the more photosynthesis.

Plants must hold on to their water especially in dry areas. What type of leaf would hold on to its water longer?

Steps of a plant’s life cycle are...

DO YOU KNOW YOUR STUFF?!?! BET YOU DON’T! What three things does the Sun provide to the Earth? What is compost and it’s niche? What does organic mean? Why do some plants come back the next year and some plants do not?

Tropism When plants “react”!

Tropism All living things respond or react to their environment. –temperature –weather –other organisms Plants also react to stimuli. This is called tropism.

What is tropism? The way a plant behaves due to certain stimuli. Example: Look at your eco-columns. Growth towards the sunlight Roots always grow down

Sunlight Plants react to sunlight. The sides away from the sun grow longer and the plant starts to bend towards the light.

Darkness Other plants may react from darkness or lack of light. Morning glories close up at night when they react from the lack of sunlight.

Gravity Like everything else on Earth, plants also respond to gravity. A plant’s roots grow down into the soil due to the pull of gravity. This also anchors the plant into the ground.

Venus Fly Trap These plants are very different from normal plants. 1)Since they eat insects and meat, 2) They respond to touch. When something touches one of its sticky hairs, they bend and trap the animal inside. they are consumers.

Touch Another plant that responds to touch is the mimosa plant. This Hawaiian fern plant closes up when touched.

What is a habitat? A habitat is where a plant or organism lives. Your habitat is ______________. A frog’s habitat is the ____________. An Eskimo’s habitat is ______________. A worm’s habitat is in the ____________. A fish’s habitat is in the ________________. A bedbug’s habitat is in the _____________. A black bear’s habitat is in the __________.

What is a niche? A niche is the job an organism has in life. Ms. Warren’s niche is __________________. Your niche in life right now is ______________. A policeman’s niche is ___________________. A baker’s niche is to ____________________. A banker’s niche is to ___________________. A soldier’s niche is to ___________________.

Grass Grasshopper Bird Cat What is the bird’s niche? What is the grasshopper’s habitat? What is the cat’s niche? What is the bird’s habitat?

What is a decomposer? Decomposers eat dead things. What is a decomposer’s niche? To eat dead things and turn them back into nutrients for the soil. *fungus (mushroom) *bacteria *worms *bugs *maggots *snails *roly polies

What is an inherited trait? It is a trait that an animal or plant is created or born with. The inherited trait MUST come from family of the plants or animals. It is NOT something that the animal or plant learns to do.

Which of the following are inherited traits of plants? 1.Color of flower 2.Size of leaves 3.Bugs eating its roots 4.Smell of flower 5.Type of root system 6.Wilting due to the sun’s heat 7.Root rot 8.Height of plant 9.Where the plant grows I = inherited trait H = just happens to the plant