What organelles are a part of the endomembrane system?
Origin and Evolution of the Eukaryotic Cell
Progression of life Elements combined into inorganic molecules Inorganic molecules combined to make organic molecules Organic molecules came together in organized patters to make protocells Aka: coacervates Protocells developed into prokaryotes as internal structures became more complex RNA contributed to making of macromolecules
The fossil record, which is based on the remains of ancient life, suggests that the first cells were prokaryotes Eukaryotes evolved from prokaryotes Most closely related to Archaea Unicellular organisms found in a variety of places like soil, digestive systems, extreme environments, etc. Most likely occurred in stages
What type of prokaryote did eukaryotes most likely evolve from?
The precursor to eukaryotes, archaea, were most likely simple organisms Resembled bacteria Had a plasma membrane but no internal membranes Plasma membrane would have provided all membrane-dependent functions like energy production and lipid formation Can be accomplished by the high surface area to volume ratio On average, would have been 1000x smaller than modern eukaryotes
Membrane-bound organelles are thought to have arisen in at least 2 ways The nuclear membranes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, endosomes, and lysosomes are believed to have originated by the enfolding of the plasma membrane Hypothesis based on the connectivity that occurs between each organelle All a part of the endomembrane system
How did the components of the endomembrane system first evolve?
Mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved differently Each have their own genetic material They can make their own proteins Bacterium have similar genetic information indicates that mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from bacteria Mitochondria and chloroplasts were engulfed by the eukaryote cells Lived symbiotically Explains the double membrane of both organelles
Why do mitochondria and chloroplasts have a double membrane?
1.Mitochondria and chloroplasts are similar to bacteria in size and structure 2.Both organelles are bound by a double membrane The outer membrane derived from the plasma membrane of the eukaryote The inner membrane original plasma membrane of the original prokaryote 3.Mitochondria and chloroplasts contain genetic material that forms a loop Structure similar to DNA in bacteria
4.Mitochondria and Chloroplasts have their own ribosomes and produce their own proteins The ribosomes resemble those found in prokaryotes 5.The RNA sequence of the ribosomes in chloroplasts and mitochondria also suggest a prokaryote origin