MARK DEANS LIFE Born March 2, 1957, in Jefferson City, Tennessee. Dean was a very smart person who got very good grades. After collage Mark went to work with IBM. Mark was one of the people who launched the personnel computer age. Dean helped cerate the color pc monitor Helped with integration with printer, monitor, and computer
MARK DEANS LIFE CONTINUED Mark created the first gigahertz chip this could preform up to a Billion calculations a second. In 2001 he was introduced to inventors hall of fame. Mark Dean has over 20 patents. He holds 3 of the 9 original patents for IBM. He earned his master's degree in electrical engineering from Florida Atlantic University in In 1992 he completed his doctorate in the same field from Stanford University
FAMOUS QUOTE A lot of kids growing up today aren't told that you can be whatever you want to be. There may be obstacles, but there are no limits. – Mark Dean