CAPITALIZATION RULES 1. Capitalize names of particular persons or places. 1. Capitalize names of particular persons or places. 2. Never capitalize a junior high school or high school unless it is the name of a specific school. 2. Never capitalize a junior high school or high school unless it is the name of a specific school. 3. School subjects are not capitalized except for the names of language (English, Spanish, French, Latin, etc.). 3. School subjects are not capitalized except for the names of language (English, Spanish, French, Latin, etc.). 4. Don't capitalize seasons--spring, winter, etc. 4. Don't capitalize seasons--spring, winter, etc. 5. Capitalize "north, east, south, west" when they indicate parts of the country. Example: I live in the South. 5. Capitalize "north, east, south, west" when they indicate parts of the country. Example: I live in the South.
CAPITALIZATION RULES 6. When these words indicate direction, don't capitalize them. Example: To get to the farm, drive south on I When these words indicate direction, don't capitalize them. Example: To get to the farm, drive south on I Capitalize holidays. Example: Christmas, Easter, Halloween. 7. Capitalize holidays. Example: Christmas, Easter, Halloween. 8. Titles of people are capitalized when they are followed by the name. Example: President George Bush, Principal Bob Grimes. 8. Titles of people are capitalized when they are followed by the name. Example: President George Bush, Principal Bob Grimes.
CAPITALIZATION RULES ► 9. Titles of people in very high national or state offices are often capitalized even when not followed by the name. Example: The President of the United States. ► 10. When the position is referred to instead of the person, the position is not capitalized. Example: The principal of Laney High School.
CAPITALIZATION RULES 11. Do not capitalize words of family relationship when used with a possessive pronoun. Example: Capitalize “Mom” or “Dad” when you use the words as if “Mom” or “Dad” were their proper names. Example: “Mom told you not to play basketball in the house.” DO NOT CAPITALIZE “mom” or “dad” if you say “my mom” or “your dad.” Example: “Your dad drives a nice car.” 12. Capitalize the first words and all important words in a title. Example: Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl 13. Capitalize words referring to a specific Deity. Example: God, Allah, Zeus