Language Resource Center Providing technologically enhanced resources for language acquisition
Language Resource Center IVCC World Languages
LRC Usage
Student PC Workstations The LRC has 15 Student PC Workstations connected to a dedicated server that houses software for world language study.
Sanako Lab/300 On the right side of the PC monitor the Sanako taskbar guides students to resources housed on the server.
The Sanako Task Bar Media Finder (the search dog icon) to locate and launch files
Audio & Video When a student selects audio or video files the Player opens. Students can listen and record.
Playing Video To see a video, the WIN TV screen also opens. The WIN TV screen can be sized to a student’s preference. Clicking and dragging on the lower right corner of the screen resizes it.
The Sanako Task Bar Bulletin Board Service [BBS] (the big red !) with important information Click on the BBS for important news and helpful information about your course.
The Sanako Task Bar Internet Explorer Click here to access IVCC Home Page Worldwide Web LRC web page World Language Faculty web pages
The Sanako Task Bar Microsoft Office Word Microsoft Office PowerPoint
The Sanako Task Bar End Session Click here to : End LRC session and Receive credit for LRC time logged in
Atajo for Students of Spanish Atajo, The Spanish Writing Assistant is loaded on Student PCs #3,5,11 and 17 in the LRC. To activate Atajo, click on the Icon on the right task bar:
In the LRC and Beyond Ongoing technological advancements Demands for alternate course delivery Desire for 24/7 access to course resources Changing priorities Changing methods Changing job descriptions Changing measurements of success
This concludes your “minute visit” to the LRC Text, photography and production by Anna Marie Pietrolonardo 04/06/ All rights reserved