OTAF – Launched OTAF Or Over The air Activation Functionality allows for Real time, almost immediate and hassle free Activation Process for Photon+ Over the Counter instant activation (Just Dial *228) Activation can be done by Customer/Sales rep Easy Installation Ready to use
Tariff Plans – New Tariff Plan Launched – Rs.950 Data Based Plans Plan Name Monthly Rental (Rs.) Bundled Usage (GB/mth) Addl Usage Positioning & Segment Fit Photon+ Lite Rs.2/MB LOW USERS & CASUAL BROWSERS Ideal for People who Surf and Chat. Photon+ 2GB 7502 MEDIUM USERS & INFO SEEKERS Ideal for Individuals who Download & Research Photon+ 950 Day time – 2 Night time – 10 ( 11PM to 7AM) NIGHT-BIRDS Ideal for people with High Night Time Usage Photon+ 5GB 9505 HEAVY SURFERS Always ON connection Ideal for Heavy Surfers Photon+ PowerSurf Photon+ SuperSurf Time Based Plans Plan Name Monthly Rental (Rs.) Bundled Usage (mins/mth) Addl Usage Positioning & Segment Fit Pay n go250- Re.1/min TRY & BUY FEEL the experience and move over to appropriate plan based on Usage requirements Photon+ Daily Ideal for Heavy Downloading Also accessing applications like ing, net- banking, chatting, Google search, online booking, etc Photon+ Daily NEW
Add on packs – Rate Cutters Feedback from the Market suggests, that our Customers want more Bundled Usage than is available to them with our current plans. To address this, New Add-on packs are being introduced. These Packs provide additional GBs at affordable rates. This is a first of its kind proposition in the market from TATA Indicom’s Photon+. Add-on Pack Monthly Rental Free Usage Effective Rate Additional Usage Charge (without Packs) %age Savings 1 GBRs.1501GB15p/MB Rs.2/MB 93% 2 GBRs.2502GB12p/MB94% 5 GBRs.5005GB10p/MB95% * Night Surfing Rs.20010GB2p/MB99% * The Night Surfing Add-on pack affords additional 10GB of usage in the night time hours (between 11PM and 7AM). * It can be attached with the 2GB, PowerSurf and SuperSurf Plans only. * It cannot be a stand alone plan.
Device – SXC Plug and Play No installer CD required Device Self-installs its software Assuring compatibility with Any system, Anywhere and Anytime 2. Expandable Memory Device comes with a Micro SD Card Slot, enabling the user to customize it even as a thumb drive. Micro SD Cards are as cheap as Rs.250. User can carry his data, music and files and be connected to the internet, all with one device. 3. Form Factor Small enough to fit in Palm, Sleek, Stylish and Trendy. 4. Broadband in Hand Customer carries only the device and has a Truly Mobile Broadband Access to internet. (Unlike Wireline Broadband, limited to reach of the cable) Also, Agent can Demo the product on prospect’s computer without having to install a dialer, saving valuable time and effort. Works across India in Roaming at the same rates as at home. MOP: Rs. 3,500 DP : Rs. 3,150
Customer Service Support – Ongoing Customer Care Number Toll Free Customer Care Number Exclusively for HSIA Customers Any Phone, Any Provider Proposed Launch Date: 4 th of July, 2009 Limit Alerts Customers can choose To be alerted Via SMS or When their Usage Exceeds75% of their Free Download Limit UMR Barring Customers have been complaining of high bills A system has been introduced, wherein customers who exceed their credit limit will be barred automatically. Usage will be restored on payment of bill. Product Team will be sharing details Separately
National Toll Free Prospect Number – Continues We are starting a TV Advertisement Campaign for Photon+. A National Toll-free number will be flashed in these ads. The Toll-free number is This number will be used by interested customers to get in touch with us to enquire about or to purchase our Photon range of products. Upon receiving a call from an interested party, this lead will be fed in to our Sales Channel for appropriate follow up and closure of sale. In Geographies where Photon+ has been launched, prospect has a choice between Photon Whiz and Photon+. In other places, Photon Whiz will be offered to the prospect for Photon+
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