Cellular organelles
CELL WALL- is found in bacteria, some protists, all fungi and all plants. Its purpose is to provide protection and support.
The giant Redwood trees are held up by cell walls.
Cell Membrane Controls what comes in and out of the cell Cell membranes serve as barriers and gatekeepers.
The Nucleus is the BOSS of the cell It is responsible for everything that goes on within the cell.
The Nucleus also contains all the genetic material that will be passed on from generation to generation.
Mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell. They release energy stored in food molecules so the cell can function.
Vacuoles are storage containers in a cell. They can hold just about anything: water, food, pigment, chemicals, enzymes, waste.
Vacuoles Plants have super big vacuoles that’s what helps hold them up. When the vacuole is lacking water the plant wilts. Animal cells have smaller vacuoles
LYSOSOMES are the clean up crew of the cell. Their job is to destroy the dead and worn out cell parts, as Well as any foreign junk. They actually do this by ‘eating’ the stuff
LYSOSOMES are like PacMan!
The Chloroplast functions to capture the energy of sunlight and produce sugars which serve as food. Chloroplasts are organelles found ONLY in PLANT cells and some Bacteria as well as most prokaryotic cells – but NEVER in animal cells