Writing based on cartoons. 文字材料类 2009 年江苏高考书面表达 Attention please! 《 2011 江苏高考说明》高考英语书 面表达示例 2--- 看图作文: 看图作文的 “ 图 ” 不局限于某一类型的图 ,如漫画、广告,也包括其他图片、照 片、图表等情景材料。考生们可根据图.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing based on cartoons

文字材料类 2009 年江苏高考书面表达

Attention please! 《 2011 江苏高考说明》高考英语书 面表达示例 2--- 看图作文: 看图作文的 “ 图 ” 不局限于某一类型的图 ,如漫画、广告,也包括其他图片、照 片、图表等情景材料。考生们可根据图 示的寓意、内容或情节线索,自己组织 文字,进行描述、叙述、比较或表达思 想观。作文应覆盖提示的要点,但应避 免仅根据提示文字作简单翻译。 ______________________ _________

随着高考英语的改革,英语作文的命题 更具有开放性。就漫画主题发表感想是 开放式作文的一种, 它通过漫画只给出主 题或两三点提示,感想则由考生去发挥、 构思。怎么写这种类型的书面表达,我 们必须解决下面三个问题。

Tasks: 1. To deal with difficulty in writing about cartoons 2. To learn the basic structure of cartoon writing 3. To learn some useful expressions of cartoon writing

Difficulties? 1. 审题 2. 解意 3. 谋篇

Let’s practise!

Describe the picture The picture is talking about a story about neighborhood. Two ladies living in the opposite apartments say “hello” when they happen to meet each other in the corridor. One of them says, “I moved here 5 years ago, but I never met you before. Could I ask your name please?” The other says,” I have been here for 6 years. How should I call you?”

Let’s practise!

Describe the picture We can see in the picture that a child is burdened with heavy schoolbags as well as huge mental pressure. When he was a kid, he was expected to be able to go to a key elementary school, and later a key high school. And now he is expected to be admitted to a key university.

解意 注意 : 文字说明部分往往含有重要信息 (clues) , 切记要认真阅读!!! (theme)-----to the point

下面的漫画反映了一种社会现象 ,请你根据对 这幅漫画的理解,用英语写一篇 短文,描述一下他们的不同境遇,并就如何解决 此问题发表你的看法。 Example1. _______

角度 comparison 主旨 education inequality The comparison indicates the phenomenon of education inequality in modern China.

角度 criticize 主旨 The students as well as their parents only focus on their academic achievements, neglecting psychological quality and moral standards. Example2

Judge the themes of the following cartoons as quickly as possible.

People lack communication. Picture1

Protect animals. No buying, no killing. Picture2

People can’t afford heavy medical fees. Picture 3

Picture 4 One false move may lose the game. Look before you leap.

Money can’t buy everything. Health is the best wealth. Picutre5

Let’s practise!

The picture shows some problems in the present education system in China. In the poor countryside, there are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. They are sometimes forced to leave their studies because their families cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in the cities. Almost all the children in the cities can have regular education. But they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts so much pressure on them that some students don’t want to continue their studies.

谋篇 3 parts: 1) describe the picture 2) interpret its meaning 3) give your opinions about the phenomenon

Part 1 Describe the picture As is vividly shown int the picture,… The picture shows a common phenomenon. The picture describes an interesting phenomenon. In the picture, there are…/…is (are) doing… The picture above is about … …Let’s look at the picture above/first.

Part 2 Interpret the picture It seems very ridiculous that…However, this kind of story is performed everywhere. It is the exact reflection of… What is illustrated in the picture that… The picture indicate that we…Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that… This is a satirical ( 讽刺的 ) cartoon which describes vividly a kind of common phenomenon among…

Part 3 Give your opinions As far as I ’ m concerned, From my point of view, Only in this way can…. It is high time we took some measures to put an end to this phenomenon./ Immediate measures should be taken to… ● The government should make laws to… ● The media should appeal for … ● We should raise people’s awareness of… ● Everyone should make great efforts to…

Polish up your article! 1. To use linking words if necessarylinking words 2. To use complicated structures if possiblecomplicated structures Join your group and rewrite the essay together, using the expressions you’ve learned. Group work :

1. To use linking words 表示平行、对等或选择关系 表示转折关系 表示对比关系 表示因果关系 and, as well as, together with, not only…but also... but, however, in spite of, although, otherwise, while on the contrary, instead of, on one hand…on the other hand... so, therefore, as a result (of), because, owing to, due to, thanks to.

表示时间、顺序关系 表示递进、强调关系 表示解释、说明关系 表示结论 1. To use linking words first, second …, then, next, finally, for one thing... for another, in the end, besides, what’s more, in addition, worse still, above all such as, for example, for instance( 例如 ), in other words, and so on in short, in brief, in a word, in general, on the whole, in conclusion

2. To use complicated structures People suggest that the conference be put off. She walked out of the room and many students followed her. To his surprise, the little girl knew so many things. 被动语态 非谓语动词 从句 It is suggested that the conference be put off. Followed by many students, she walked out of the room What surprised him was that the little girl knew so many things.

The couple was so curious about wild plants that they decided to travel to the forest. 倒装 So curious was the couple about wild plants that they decided to travel to the forest. Regular radio broadcasts began in 强调句 It was not until in 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began. Many lives were saved because there were the efforts of firefighters. 虚拟语气 But for the efforts of firefighters, many lives would not have been saved.

My version: For most of the parents, it’s no easy job to keep their children away from the PC monitor. Let’s look at the picture above. Two people are standing in front of a computer, whose monitor is wearing underwear. The woman is staring at the computer, thinking while the man is telling him that there are three ways to make the Internet safer for her children---hardware, software and underwear.

It may be ridiculous to cover the PC monitor with someone’s underwear, but it describes vividly parents’ distress and feelings of helplessness when they are faced with the problem. Concerned about their children’s security, some of them just cut off the access to the Internet at home -“the hardware solution”; some choose to use a certain software program to prevent their kids from getting on line –“the software solution”; others may make some rules to limit the time their children spend on the Internet -“the underwear solution”!

From my point of view, this phenomenon calls for the attention of the whole society. On one hand, the government should make laws to censor the Internet and block inappropriate sites, making it a safer place for all teenagers. On the other hand, it is better for parents to give their children a proper guide instead of just prevention. Teenagers need to be taught how to tell and resist bad information consciously. Only in this way can the Internet be made safer for the children.

再叮嘱几句: 1. 保证三要素-体裁、时态、人称正确 体裁:议论文 时态:一般现在时 人称:第三人称



再叮嘱几句: 1. 保证三要素-体裁、时态、人称正确 体裁:议论文 时态:一般现在时 人称:第三人称 2. 避免漫画类作文的一些常见失误

1) 误解图意 大忌!

2) 企图幽默 可笑!

3) 不明寓意 白写!

4) 中心不明 混乱!

再叮嘱几句: 1. 保证三要素-体裁、人称、时态正确 体裁:议论文 人称:第三人称 时态:一般现在时 2. 避免漫画类作文的一些常见错误 3. 控制字数(没话说 PK 太啰唆) 4. 搞一精辟的结尾!!

Too short!

Too long!

不要动不动就 study hard!

Enjoy this excellent ending! In my view, this phenomenon is no good to us, nor to our society. It’s time that we took some measures to improve it. People living in the same zone can be organized to have some activities together. We should call on people to be friendly to each other. As a popular song says, “ If everybody gives a little love to each other, the world will become the sea of love.”

Enjoy this excellent ending! From my point of view, reducing the children’s heavy burden requires efforts from the schools, the society as well as the parents. Education that breaks the rules of children’s development in body and mind is bound to fail. Thus, parents together with teachers should become active supporters of all-around character education and work closely with each other in guiding the students towards a balanced development.

In my opinion, spare-time training courses are a waste of time for many students. They might do better when they show interest in what they are learning. Please don’t force these students to do what they are not willing to, and when learning is fun, surely they will do better than we expect ! Enjoy this excellent ending!

一篇好的英语漫画作文 仔细审题 准确立义 规范行文 整洁书写

Not good!



Homework 下图描绘的是目前很多孩 子们的苦恼。请你根据对 下面这幅漫画的理解用英 语写一篇短文,描述一下 造成这种现象的原因并发 表你的看法。