Reading Inventory Macbeth by Shakespeare
Lesson 1
Journal Entry for lesson 1 Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did? Did the fact that event was “predicted” cause you to behave differently than you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur? Or did the even simply seem to occur without any assistance from you? Recall what happened and include your feelings when you heard the even predicted and when it occurred. Has there ever been a time in your life when someone told you that something improbable would happen and it did? Did the fact that event was “predicted” cause you to behave differently than you would have otherwise and make it more likely for the event to occur? Or did the even simply seem to occur without any assistance from you? Recall what happened and include your feelings when you heard the even predicted and when it occurred.
Journal Entry Lesson 1 ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________.
Lesson 2 …meet the witches Act 1 Scene 3
Lesson and 1.2
Lesson 3 Listening and then Responding to 1.1 and 1.2 CHARACTERS _ SETTING _ PLOT Where does this scene take place? What is the weather like? How does Macbeth behave in battle? How does Duncan View this behavior? How does the battle end? What pronouncement does Duncan make at the end of the scene? Where does this scene take place? What is the weather like? How does Macbeth behave in battle? How does Duncan View this behavior? How does the battle end? What pronouncement does Duncan make at the end of the scene?
Journal Entry for Lesson 3 Choose two of the characters from Macbeth that your have met up until this point. Draw a picture of them (or find their pictures on internet and cut and paste). Under each picture, list three words that describe their personality. Are the alike, or are they opposites? Why do you think this way? (compare or contrast).
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Lesson 4 I.3 & 4
Questions - lesson 4 Act 1: 3 and 4 How does Banquo feel about the witches’ predictions? How does Macbeth feel? Who is the topic of conversation at the start of scene 4? How might Duncan’s words to Macbeth, as Macbeth enters, seem ironic? How does Macbeth feel now that Malcolm has been named the Prince of Cumberland? Do we have any clues about how Macbeth will behave in the future?
PRE JOURNAL WORK: Working with Synonyms Thin: Woman: Man: Foul Fair Terms: Synonyms: words similar in meaning Denotation: Dictionary meaning Connotation: cultural or emotional meaning Paradox: contradictory statement that is true. Stress: the force a sound or syllable is spoken. Inflection: A change in pitch or tone of the voice Write three sentences often said by someone close to you: a friend, a sibling, a parent. Indicate the typical inflection and meaning for each. Then, vary the inflection and tell how this changes the meaning. Lesson 4 Journal Entry
Journal Entry Lesson 4 Inflection:____________Meaning:______________________________________________________________ Change in Inflection: ______________Meaning Change? __________________________________________ 1._____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Inflection:____________Meaning:______________________________________________________________ Change in Inflection: ______________Meaning Change? __________________________________________ Inflection:____________Meaning:______________________________________________________________ Change in Inflection: ______________Meaning Change? __________________________________________
SCENE VII. Another part of the field. Alarums. Enter MACBETH MACBETH They have tied me to a stake; I cannot fly, But, bear-like, I must fight the course. What's he (note 40) That was not born of woman? Such a one Am I to fear, or none.