doc.: IEEE /078 Submission May 2000 Matthew Shoemake, AlantroSlide 1 Information Regarding and Status of HRbSG Matthew B. Shoemake HRbSG Chairperson Alantro Communications
doc.: IEEE /078 Submission May 2000 Matthew Shoemake, AlantroSlide 2 HRb Study Group Information Formation on HRbSG Requirements of Study Groups –PAR –5 Criteria PAR from P802.11b (1998) Time schedule options
doc.: IEEE /078 Submission May 2000 Matthew Shoemake, AlantroSlide 3 Formation of HRbSG The HRbSG was formed at the March 2000 Plenary on the following motions: –Move to authorize IEEE study group to investigate technical extension that are interoperable with b and that can lead to higher than 20Mbps data rates and other performance improvements to the existing b standard. The group shall present any candidate PARs to WG in time for those PARs that are approved to appear on the November 00 SEC agenda. Approved –Move to give the assembly at the May 2000 conference authorization to submit the PAR(s) of the just established study group (SG-2.4GHz improvement) to the July 00 SEC meeting. Approved
doc.: IEEE /078 Submission May 2000 Matthew Shoemake, AlantroSlide 4 Requirements of the SG Generate a Project Authorization Request (PAR) – –Requirements of PAR are type of project, purpose, scope,... Generate a document specifying how the new standard will satisfy the 5 Criteria – –Broad Market Potential, Compatibility, Distinct Identity, Technical Feasibility, and Economic Feasibility
doc.: IEEE /078 Submission May 2000 Matthew Shoemake, AlantroSlide 5 PAR for P802.11b (1998) Document number is P /06 Scope of Proposed Project: To develop a higher speed PHY extension to operating in the 2.4 GHz band. Purpose of Proposed Project: To extend the performance and the range of applications of the compatible networks in the 2.4 GHz band by increasing the data rate achievable by such devices. This technology will be beneficial for improved access to fixed network LAN and internetwork infrastructure (including access to other wireless LANs) via a network of accesspoints, as well as creation of high performance ad-hoc networks.
doc.: IEEE /078 Submission May 2000 Matthew Shoemake, AlantroSlide 6 Time Schedule Options PAR & 5 Criteria must be submitted to the SEC one month before the 802 Plenary at which approval is sought –If PAR and 5 criteria are completed at this meeting (May 2000), then they may be submitted to the SEC one month before the July 2000 Plenary meeting, and approval may be obtained at the July 2000 Plenary –If PAR and 5 criteria are set at the July 2000 Plenary Meeting or September 2000 Interim Meeting, then they may be submitted to the SEC one month before the November 2000 Plenary, and approval may be obtained at the November 2000 Plenary